Blood cards - before screaming too loudly,

by TheOldHippie 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • dubla

    for the record, regardless of my argument with nytel, my personal view (so far), is that the blood card issue is getting too much attention, as i feel they will probably issue new cards at some point. i could be wrong, and this could be a huge belief change, who knows. it doesnt seem to fit though, thats just my take on it. of course i couldnt pass up combatting the ridiculous defense given by nytel though......what nonsense, lol.




    If I understand you correctly, you state that the announcement was made that an error in "language" or printing---which is not at all the same thing, btw---was the reason for the need to destroy the 6-01 batch of no-blood cards? Do I understand you to mean that cards presently in use should continue to serve as such throughout calendar 2002? It is for certain that the Society will not be forwarding corrected cards in the near future for, say, a March distribution?

    Awaiting your response, though I have absolutely no clue what, if any, "adjustment" this development signals, I cannot imagine that, after all these years of making the annual no-blood card renewal ritual a supremely sacred obligation on the part of each Christian who would desire to worship Jehovah free of any dread of incurring bloodguilt, "to the end of fully pleasing him," the requirement can suddenly this year, for no other reason than something as minor and repairable as a printing error, be casually dismissed as a big "oopsie, nevermind..."

    Appreciating your input in this,


    Just thinking out loud here: If a card signed and dated within the previous calendar year was so critical to its validity over the past couple decades (I don't remember when this ritual began as it has not always been the case), on the basis of what is the decision reached that annual renewal is not critical when such involves the labor and expense of correcting a mere clerical error? If carrying a currently-dated document is so monumentally critical, why not have the correct wording read to the congregation members for them to copy in their own hand and have it signed and dated, with the bsc responsible for checking that no one "cheats" in the wording, so to speak. Another in my long list of don't-gets.

  • SexyTeen

    Amnesian: Our congregation is ordering some cards using the literature arrangement. But they will be the cards with the 3/99 date.

    I think it is important to renew the cards yearly so that it reflects the most accurate information (i.e. address, phone numbers, contact information, allergy info and current use of prescription drugs). But also starting with last year, the enphasis was given to filling out the DPA forms by each baptized publisher. This being a more legal document.


    SexyTeen wrote:

    I think it is important to renew the cards yearly so that it reflects the most accurate information (i.e. address, phone numbers, contact information, allergy info and current use of prescription drugs).

    Yes, thanks for reminding me---this is certainly one of the reasons given for the need for the annual renewal. So, those who actually need an updated card this year, for whatever of the various reasons that might apply, are being issued the 3/99 card. I should think, then, that this would be a logical option every year henceforth for each individual based on his/her changed/unchanged circumstances from the previous year---rather than the implied obligation to annually renew. Reasonably, some publishers will infer---in spite of the many advisories and cautions against such reasoning to be expected from the Society---from this year's developments that annual renewal is not necessarily the sacred obligation we'd been given to think.

    Well, speculation is a fun distraction for only a brief while. But, in the end, entirely useless. From here I'm satisfied to wait and see. Expectantly, I should honestly add .

    Thanks again.


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Hey DUBLA:

    Go get'em....That New Dork-Tele-DUMB creature is absolutely annoying! If you could assemble every adjective from every language known to man to describe asinine behavior, abject stupidity, moronic gestures, rambling inconsistencies, empty thoughts, blatant ignorance, shallow character, foolishness, inner voids, you would still only scratch the surface of his pathetic being.

    Never have so many argued so much with someone so stupid who returned so little. Only swallowing airborne micro-organisms is easier than trouncing the incessant rantings of this pseudo-organism.

  • AlanF

    As I said in the other blood card thread, I went to a Service Meeting the other night to see what was going on. They gave no reason for dumping the new blood cards other than the usual meaningless "the faithful slave decided..." However, I found out that there were a couple of minor changes in the wording of the new cards, in the areas that describe what minors and adults are not allowed to take. The old cards read something like, "I will not take blood..." whereas the new ones read, "I will not take allogenic blood..." Now, "allogenic" refers to blood from another person, as opposed to "autologous" blood, which refers to one's own blood. So the new wording might have been taken to mean that "autologous" transfusions were now allowed, which would have meant a major policy shift in that it would then be permissible for someone to store their blood before an operation and then have it transfused in later during an operation. This has always been prohibited by the Watchtower.

    It's not clear why the Society added that one word "allogenic" to the new blood cards, but one thing is certain: the wording is guarded carefully by the Legal and Writing Departments, under the direction of the GB, so any changes would have had to run a gamut of approvals. Furthermore, they would have had to have been approved by late spring or early summer of 2001 so as to get into the September/October shipments of the new blood cards. The fact that congregations received instructions at the last minute to dump the new cards indicates that a good deal of wrangling is going on at the highest levels of the Watchtower, possibly even a power struggle over who gets to decide policy.

    The decision not to distribute the 2001 printing of the blood cards was not due to a "printing error" but to a change in policy at the highest levels of the Watchtower political machine, and it took place very recently.


  • nytelecom1

    poor poor dubla....

    again i have stated on so many
    only see what you want to see....really your "car scenario"
    has nothing to do with anything.....if the cards were made
    obsolete it would change nothing regarding the doctrine of blood..
    as was my ref. to the pioneer cards.....

    really your incredulous attitude proves to all the lurkers
    out there what servants have long believed..
    and as I have stated on quite a number of posts, people with
    your mental capacity often rely on spelling and
    grammar to justify any thought of feeling superior to those
    who present a clear point.....that worked with me..sometime
    around the age of 8

    as you love to post."lol"...."lol".."lol"

  • SexyTeen

    Alan, I respectfully disagree.

    In the following sentence: "The decision not to distribute the 2001 printing of the blood cards was not due to a "printing error" but to a change in policy at the highest levels of the Watchtower political machine, and it took place very recently."

    This is only you speculating the worst case scenario and then you make it sound like it is a fact.

    In this case, Amnesian was a little more open minded when he said:

    "Well, speculation is a fun distraction for only a brief while. But, in the end, entirely useless. From here I'm satisfied to wait and see. Expectantly, I should honestly add "

  • sadiejive
    The letter explains that there was an error in the language used in these cards, so they had to discard them. Just for this year, we would not renew them...

    I am not a part of the the WTS or anything, so forgive me if this question sounds stupid...but if this really is the case, couldn't they just correct the error and print new cards right away. Why do they have to wait a whole year before they try to get it right??


  • metatron

    putting in the word 'allogenic' is not a mere printing error.

    As FDR once said:

    "In politics, nothing happens by accident"


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