Symposium outline from Curcuit Assembly Part 2

by billyboy 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • billyboy

    For part 1 see

    “The Great Harlot” (19 min.) [Talk and demonstration.]

    [Note to speaker: For a cohesive presentation of the symposium, the newspaper illustration should be used for each of the three parts.

    We have just reviewed the newsworthy identity of “the wild beast,” the world’s failed political system. (Rev. 13:1, 2) What if the front page of your local newspaper warned of a massive prostitution ring that was being supported, either directly or indirectly, by political leaders in your community? The book of Revelation announces just such a threat. Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots, is at large and ‘commits fornication’ with “the kings of the earth.” (Rev. 17:1, 2, 5) Since later we will review a third facet of the world, namely, the “traveling merchants,” this second major element must be religious. Her “spiritistic practice” also suggests a religious identity.—Rev.


    Why does Jehovah liken the world empire of false religion to a harlot? Because by meddling in politics, false religion commits spiritual adultery. (Jas. 4:4; Rev. 18:3, 9; re 237-238, 244) She proves herself an enemy of true worship.—Rev. 17:4, 6; 19:1, 2. Jehovah considers false worship disgusting, and so do we.

    (Rev. 17:5) However, although we use God’s Word to refute Babylon’s false teachings, are we aware of the extent of her influence over people’s thinking and behaviour? ( w91 4/1 24par. 20) Because we worship Jehovah along with the chaste bride class of anointed ones, it is important that we recognize

    that Babylon’s influence reaches far beyond its false doctrines and places of worship.—Rev. 21:2.

    (1) Customs and celebrations: False religion plays a major role in promoting popular holidays and their spirit. ( lv 145 par. 3) Exercise caution even when celebrating weddings, where it could be easy to yield to customs clearly rooted in Babylonish practices. (2 Cor. 6:14-18; lv 153-154 pars. 16-18) Birthday celebrations have pagan roots. Furthermore, humility, modesty, and a desire to glorify Jehovah would rule out placing undue importance on any human. Since a person’s life comes from Jehovah, the glory should go to him. ( lv 150-151 pars. 9-12)

    (2) Moral standards: History bears out that false religion has been guilty of condoning the immoral conduct of its members and clergy. ( lv 97-99 pars. 1-6) Be careful not to adopt the tolerant, permissive thinking of Babylon’s teachers, which contributes to moral decay. ( w05 10/1 24 par. 17; w87

    10/15 3) Bible standards must not be watered down to conform to popular lifestyles; Jehovah’s laws do not change. ( w79 6/1 8)

    (3) Proper view of our ministry: False religion ridicules our house-to-house ministry as unnecessary and primitive. Babylon proudly expects interested ones to come to its ornate places of worship. Babylon does not reach out to people for their good, as Jesus did, which would require humility. ( w08 7/15 3) Never should we be deterred because our ministry is not popular. ( w96 12/1 32) Many go to a brief religious service but actually live for self-indulgence, such as excessive recreation. Are we in danger of slipping into a similar pattern? Or are theocratic activities what we live for? We are happier when

    they take precedence in our lives. (1 Tim. 4:8) Some of Babylon’s adherents often have little regard for their appearance when they attend their places of worship. Giving Jehovah exclusive devotion includes keeping ourselves clean, dignified, and reverent in our places of worship.— lv 56-58 pars. 11-15.

    [Demonstration: (2 min.) An elder’s family is getting ready to go from their hotel to dinner after the district convention session. All in the family are well-dressed and wearing convention badge cards and are ready to exit the hotel in order to eat in a local restaurant. A young brother whom they invited to join them is leaving at the same time but is dressed in modest shorts, shirt, and sandals. He is also wearing a convention badge card. The family head does not get angry but greets the brother and asks him where he is going. Brother replies: “To dinner with you and your family, and then after dinner I’ll meet up with some friends from the congregation.” The elder takes the young brother aside and gently offers private counsel about being aware of our appearance at all times, especially at events directly connected to our worship, such as visits to Bethel, travelling to and from conventions, and during conventions. After all, what do the local people think of us as we walk about in the convention city? Often, all they know about Jehovah’s Witnesses is what they see. Would they draw a distinction between our worship and the casual dress of most churchgoers today? For these few days, would it not be good to stay in our dress clothes when in the public eye in order to give the right impression? Young brother agrees and decides to return to his room and dress more appropriately.]

    There are many aspects of remaining untainted by Babylon the Great. We have mentioned three: (1) avoiding her God dishonoring customs and practices, (2) not succumbing to her moral degradation, and (3) keeping a proper view of our ministry, including our appearance. Our desire to please Jehovah

    is a strong incentive to keep away from Babylonish influence. [Read Revelation 18:4.] We do not want to share with her in her plagues!

    The political and religious elements are only two of the dangerous influences reported on in the book of Revelation. Give your attention to Brother ___________ as he highlights the third element that is stalking our Christian community today: “Do Not Be Contaminated by ‘the Traveling Merchants.’ ”

  • Listener

    Because we worship Jehovah along with the chaste bride class of anointed ones

    Does it really say that in the outline?

  • billyboy

    Because we worship Jehovah along with the chaste bride class of anointed ones

    Does it really say that in the outline?

    Yes. A chaste bride (rather than "a chased bride" which has a different connotation). The GB miss no opportunity to promote themselves. Oh , and apologies for the wrongly spelt "Curcuit" in the heading. Too late to change now. (Memo to self - must use spell checker).

    The aspect that really annoyed me was the often spoken claim that all the churches do is that " Babylon proudly expects interested ones to come to its ornate places of worship." I'm not by any means a church fan , but many of their buildings could hardly be described as "ornate" - some are even simpler than the Kingdom Halls. And most have some form of ministry or outreach , often far more successful in getting adherents than JWs.

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    " After all, what do the local people think of us as we walk about in the convention city? Often, all they know about Jehovah’s Witnesses is what they see. Would they draw a distinction between our worship and the casual dress of most churchgoers today? For these few days, would it not be good to stay in our dress clothes when in the public eye in order to give the right impression?"

    I detest that sort of rubbish.

  • cantleave

    Young brother agrees and decides to return to his room and dress more appropriately.

  • VM44

    "Because by meddling in politics, false religion commits spiritual adultery."

    The Watchtower often attempts to influence the political system through court cases.

    Meddling in politics is bad, meddling using the judicial, legal system is OK.

  • VM44

    "Birthday celebrations have pagan roots. Furthermore, humility, modesty, and a desire to glorify Jehovah would rule out placing undue importance on any human."

    But is OK to observe the 100th anniversity (birthday) of the founding of The Watchtower corporation with a special talk and a publication. This a form of celebration!

  • life is to short
    life is to short


    I did go to that just for Saturday of last week the brother who gave the third part about not getting in debt is the worst person in the circuit for being in debt at least when we were in the hall with him and his wife. I was sitting there thinking seriously is this all you have got to use in people to give this a jerk who treats his fellow witnesses like scum.

    Thanks again looking forward to part three.

  • VM44

    "False religion ridicules our house-to-house ministry as unnecessary and primitive. Babylon proudly expects interested ones to come to its ornate places of worship.

    Babylon does not reach out to people for their good, as Jesus did, which would require humility."

    Is the writer of this on some other planet?

    The Mormons approach people in public. Recently I was approached by two Mormons and presented with a tract while I was in the parking lot of a supermarket!

    Many religions sent missionaries out to reach people.

    The writer of this outline would have one believe that the JWs are the ONLY ones who attempt to reach out and contact people!

    The writer is biased.

  • VM44

    "False religion ridicules our house-to-house ministry as unnecessary and primitive. Babylon proudly expects interested ones to come to its ornate places of worship. Babylon does not reach out to people for their good, as Jesus did,"

    Someone should remind this Watchtower writer that Jesus did NOT go "house-to-house" as the modern JWs do.

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