Symposium outline from Curcuit Assembly Part 2

by billyboy 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sabastious
    Babylon does not reach out to people for their good, as Jesus did, which would require humility.

    Yeah, the Red Cross are bunch of selfish bastards! That goes for homeless missions too!


  • sabastious
    Never should we be deterred because our ministry is not popular. (w96 12/1 32) Many go to a brief religious service but actually live for self-indulgence, such as excessive recreation. Are we in danger of slipping into a similar pattern? Or are theocratic activities what we live for? We are happier when they take precedence in our lives.

    Ok, I guess I am happier since you said so.


  • sabastious
    Some of Babylon’s adherents often have little regard for their appearance when they attend their places of worship. Giving Jehovah exclusive devotion includes keeping ourselves clean, dignified, and reverent in our places of worship.

    GASP! Those ingrates.


  • BluesBrother

    This is such a blatant stretching of the principle to squeeze a demo about clothing and appearance into an article about "false religion"..What?? It isn't necessarily true either. When a Pentecostal church had a big meeting in my old town, everybody remarked on the turnout of the (West Indian) families..Anyway, this demo was about going out in the evening, not attending the Assembly ...Control freaks !

    BTW re the quote mentioned at the top of the thread, I guess it was really

    Because we worship Jehovah, - along with the chaste bride class of anointed ones,


    Because we worship, - Jehovah along with the chaste bride class of anointed ones,

  • WingCommander

    " Because we worship Jehovah along with the chaste bride class of anointed ones, it is important that we recognize............"

    ^^^^^^^^^ Hey Look!! We have yet another "class" of Christians!!!! Disgusting. So much for being "One Flock."

    They just can't help putting themselves right up there with Jehovah, can they? Notice that Jesus isn't even mentioned!! They have replaced Jesus with THEMSELVES!!!!! Gee, I seem to remember a verse somewhere in the bible where Jesus warned that false prophets would come after Him and do just that, place themselves in His place and beat the flock down, etc, etc. This describes the leadership of the JW's to a "T". Disgusting!!!!

    This whole dress code after the assemblies/conventions thing is new to me, as is the name-tag issue. I stopped going to assemblies around 1999, and this wasn't in effect yet. I gotta say, this amount of control creeps me out on so many levels. Also, they are actually instructing brother to councel other people about their style of dress AFTER a convention? If a so-called "brother" did that to me I'd promptly tell him to F*ck off and mind his own damned business, Elder's be damned!!! What Pharisees!!!! As if telling the flock where they can and can't lodge wasn't bad enough, now they have to control how you dress?

    Oh, and mental note to the Writing Department: This whole dressing as businessman REEKS of idolization of the "traveling merchannts of the land" - as in - WALL STREET. Duuuuuuuh!!!! It's like you are emmulating the very thing you are speaking against!!!! Dumbasses!!! Also, many, many, MANY people are turned off by seeing everyone dressed up in full formal attire. Talk about an uncomfortable enviroment. Churches actually draw people IN by NOT having a dress code!!! And guess what, 99% of "worldly" people don't go to church in Bermuda shorts!!! You need to pull your heads out of your asses and do away with the 1950's Leave it to Beaver mentallity, Knoor is dead - the 50's are over - so move on!!! You might actually manage to keep or even draw some people in. The only thing people associate you with by dressing the way you do is Mormonism!!! Hahahaha!!!

    - Wing Commander

  • antes8080

    wc very true they are so stupid.. they dont make any sense with all this nonsense rules that are not rules but suggestions that you have to follow well we dont follow them couse there stupid and your demonstrations are even worse more often giving by kiss ass bros that love to be on stage!!!

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