"Birthdays rob the glory of God"

by sabastious 202 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AGuest
    Why not just accept we as Jehovah's witnesses simply follow the early Christian and Jesus's own example in not doing them.

    Interesting. One could ask you the same question, dear Debator (peace to you!): "why not just accept". For example:

    Why not "just accept" that you and those you follow continue to "overstep the commandments of God"... as handed us by Christ himself... with your traditions?

    Why not "just accept" that you and those you follow fail to adhere to the COMMANDMENT of Christ to STOP judging, dear Debator (peace to you!)... but instead follow the erroneous teaching of Paul... to judge and "remove" some from the congregation, which thing my Lord NEVER taught... and the early Christians did not do (until Paul tried to force them to, although, admitttedly, he did change his position a year later and told them to STOP doing)?

    Why not "just accept" the TRUTH that Christ... who is ALIVE ('cause that's what a resurrection MEANS)... and to whom ALL authority has been given (regardless of when)... literally speaks "from the heavens"... just as Hebrews 12:25 says... rather than proclaiming that DEMONS... who have absolutely NO authority over those who belong to Christ... can and do, even through dead, inanimate objects like furniture?

    Why not "just accept" that you and those you follow continue to blatantly overstep a COMMANDMENT from Christ by NOT speaking to those who you consider strangers and enemies when he said, "You MUST... love your enemy," so that "If you greet your brothers ONLY, what extraordinary thing are you doing?"

    Why not "just accept" that you and those you follow DON'T follow... the early Christian example... and my Lord's COMMANDMENT... to eat his flesh, drink his blood... and listen to HIS voice... a commandment that has NEVER been done away with... of which he said, "If ANYONE eats of my flesh and drinks my blood"... and "UNLESS you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you have NO life within yourselves"... contrary to the lies and false teachings of those YOU follow?

    Why not "just accept" that you and those you follow are "shutting up the kingdom of the heavens before men"... in EVERY way... "because you are not going in, neither do you allow those on their way in to go in"?

    Why not "just accept" that you follow those who "seat themselves in the seat of Moses"... which they do by saying that they are the "visible representation of the Lord on earth," and so one must adhere to/associate with them... so that they make themselves the "mediator" between man and God... when that Mediator is ONE... Christ... who is the ONLY Door, Way, and Narrow Gate which one CAN go... in order to come to the Father?

    Why not "just accept" that when they call themselves the "Truth"... they literally show themselves to be utter imposters... because there is only ONE Truth... Christ (John 14:6)... and by calling themselves by such a title, they are, in FACT, seating themselves in the seat of Moses... and saying that it through THEM one must go... and through THEM that one will receive... truth... which is a LIE?

    Why not "just accept, dear Debator, that you and those you follow... strain out the gnat... while gulping down the whole dang camel. Truly.

    May you have ears to hear... and eyes to see... the REAL Truth... if you are truly wishing it. All you need do is ask the Father to send you HIS Truth, which is Christ... and not THEIR truth... which is from their father... who is the father... of the LIE.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • 3dogs1husband

    OutLaw.... cute as a button...OM! I LOVE BUTTONS....but do buttons need there own thread?

    Sorry I love puns!

  • Leprechaun

    “Jesus didn't celebrate Birthdays (despite being fully aware of them! His cousin being beheaded at one) So we Christians don't celebrate Birthdays. It is as simple as that. It wasn't till the third century and again under the heavy influence of Rome that Christians started celebrating pagan inspired Birthdays.

    We can be unique without needing an annual marking of time passing by which would be irrelevent to God anyway who is beyond time.”

    “Oh please," what a bunch of Watchtower inspired hog wash, the Society’s firmly entrenched mind control of people just staggers me, it is one thing when I read their clearly high minded views on holidays and quite another when I see the power of their control on people’s lives who are Jehovah’s Witnesses and who just can’t bring them self’s to think on their own, or at the very least ask the question why? Do you all know why the Witness’s view holidays the way they do, it is because a publishing company tells them to, that is why, and they are so affected by a cult that they just "CAN’T SEE IT" because of the power of the cult. If it was a ny other group of people I would say it is a Sad Situation, but with the Jehovah’s Witnesses it is very simply disgusting and disappointing, to see grown up people hold on to such thinking, and jump everytime the GB says jump.

  • caliber
    If God doesn't specifically condemn or prohibit something then no man has authority to create a law and
    bind it upon others for obedience and faith .

    ( quote from video on another thread) Far more serious than celebrating an event just because it is not directly commanded to do so in the Bible !

  • diamondiiz


    As quoted earlier to which you didn't answer from Awake 2003

    We found that for many people in Mexico, the piñata has lost its religious significance and is considered by most to be just harmless fun...A main concern is, not what the practice meant hundreds of years ago, but how it is viewed today in your area. Understandably, opinions may vary from one place to another. Hence, it is wise to avoid turning such matters into big issues

    Likewise birthdays. No one today associates them with superstition but than again there isn't more superstitious people out there than are JWs. It is typical for witnesses to follow their cult leaders without thinking. Only way to paradise is by blindly following GB and yet some of you still end up disobeying and joining apostate forums which is a big no no as per the WTS. Do you not know that he who is faithful in least is faithful in much? Wouldn't that mean that by obeying GB in everything except for joining apostate forum you will not make it to the paradise but will be destroyed at Armageddon? hmm Jews didn't celebrate birthdays and they got their asses kicked in 70CE, would this apply to you debator?

  • bohm

    OUTLAW and Marry crack me up as usual. Debator/Reinaa evade all the hard stuff and talk about the easy stuff as usual. And as usual there is no explanation why she is on such a such a high horse regarding what the WTS tell OTHER people should do, but dont give a damn about what the WTS tell HER to do.

    But thats not the same as having two standards, ofcourse, it just mean different rules apply to debator because they do.

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp


    I noticed in at least two of Debator's post that the word "forced" was used.

    I didn't grow up as a witness and my experience of attending the KH as an adult is children being "forced" to go out on the Ministry, "forced" to be baptised etc. etc. Jesus wasn't baptised until he was 30. JW children are "forced" to be baptised young.

    I also noticed how much more materialistic a lot of JW children are. My two children had very little when they were growing up, we always placed more importance on the family.

    Yes, Christmas and birthday we exchanged small gifts. However, these were thoughtful gifts not expensive extravagant stuff that witness children seem to have. We had little money and no way could afford to give gifts all the year round. It was the only time they had anything.

    Debator seems to generalise so much about non-witnesses and it just isn't true it is just what she has been taught. They said a lot at the meetings about other religions which just wasn't true, fortunately as I had attended other churches I knew they were lying but unfortnately some people dont have factual knowledge about such things.

  • isaacaustin

    Reniaa/Debator, when is your birthday? Oh well, in any case...I will just pick a day...like today. Happy Borthday Reniaa/Debator!

  • isaacaustin

    Reniaa/Debator said:

    Jesus didn't celebrate Birthdays (despite being fully aware of them! His cousin being beheaded at one)

    My reply: Because they were simply not a part of the Jewish cultrue, as Boxing Day is not a part of the American culture.

    Reniaa then wrongly concluded:

    So we Christians don't celebrate Birthdays.

    My reply: JWs are not Christians for one thing- they are a pseudo-Christian cult. That being said, there has never been reduced one single Christian principle or Bible writing to show birthdays should not be observed. Therefore, Christians show recognition of the life God gave by observing one's birthday.

    Reniaa said:

    It is as simple as that.

    My reply: Only in JW cultland.

    Reniaa/Debator said:

    It wasn't till the third century and again under the heavy influence of Rome that Christians started celebrating pagan inspired Birthdays.

    My reply: Irrelevant.


    We can be unique without needing an annual marking of time passing by which would be irrelevent to God anyway who is beyond time.

    My reply:

    We can be unique with this annual marking of time passing by which would be giving glory to God.

  • isaacaustin

    Hey, didn't the Watchtower celebrate its 100th birthday!

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