A God of love?

by MrFreeze 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MrFreeze

    They try to tell you God is love. If that isn't the biggest load I've ever heard than I don't know what is.

    God is love huh? What would you say if I told you that there was a child that was deathly ill and the father had the cure? What if that father told his son "I'm not going to give you this cure because one of your brothers have been bad and I want to make sure all of my children know that I'm the boss around here and my way is the best"? Would you say that's something a loving father would do? Essentially that's what we are told in the Bible.

    We've gotten the screw job right from the start, according to the Bible. For some reason, we have to suffer because some idiot ate a piece of fruit 6,000 years ago. Does that really make any sense? Is that fair?

    This leads me to another point, nothing can exist without God having created it or the ability for something to come about. That means all of the sickness in the world originated from God. According to the Bible, we are all sick and dying because God put limitations on us having perfect health. In other words, God created sickness and suffering. Would somebody loving create something so terrible?

  • WTWizard

    What about a God that creates problems on purpose for mankind, and then perennially pretends he is going to solve them? This salvation is contingent on obedience, and never actually comes. Yet, when this Almighty Lowlife Scumbag Baghead God decides to allow a crumb of good for your hard work, he expects you to give him all the credit.

  • PSacramento

    So, what can God do to prove to YOU that God is love?

  • Joshinaz

    I agree. Thats partly why now I don't believe in god



    We've gotten the screw job right from the start, according to the Bible.

    If we are to come to any conclusion we have to start out from a sensible premise; or look at where we are and work backwards. This means thinking outside the box.

    We may be thinking too much of ourselves and are just advanced bacteria that is damaging the planet while a perfect invisible intelligence looks on dispassionately.

    Or, we as humans may be the manifestation of consciousness that was working at an unconscious level for millions of years. If all that exists is of God and God, then we are part of God. We need to look no further than the end of our nose to see God and know love, and all the priests and vicars are going to be out of work.

  • MrFreeze

    Well for one PSacramento, he could not have created such a thing as "sickness". He could not make us suffer for a reason we can't control, but he can.

    Of course, that'll never happen so I guess he can't prove it to me... can he?

  • Joliette

    I do understand how you feel. Its been very hard for me to 'comprehend' the whole GOD IS LOVE thing. I've always thought that its my own 10% thinking (being imperfect, not being able to comprehend things, etc). But yes, its very hard for me to get that, with so many children and women being abused throughout history, disease, war, sexism and racism, etc.

    BUT I've always held on to the fact that there has to be justice. Theres just has to be.

  • 3Mozzies

    IF the god of the bible is real then yes I agree with you, god is not love.

    But IF God has nothing to do with the bible then maybe He is love.

    Just my 2cents


  • Hadit

    Good points MrFreeze - I laughed at the idiot who at the piece of fruit part! We pay a lot for that bite!

    Or, we as humans may be the manifestation of consciousness that was working at an unconscious level for millions of years. If all that exists is of God and God, then we are part of God. We need to look no further than the end of our nose to see God and know love, and all the priests and vicars are going to be out of work.

    Interesting Gladiator. It would follow then that a lot of people are STILL unconscious and unable to see they are part of God and therefore, easily led and controlled. Hmmm. Outside the box for sure! Have you read The Biology of Belief? Bruce Lipton I think. Very interesting book.



    It would follow then that a lot of people are STILL unconscious...

    This is the idea behind eastern philosophy/religion Lao Tzu and Buddha said that most of us move through our lives like sleepwalkers, never really present in what we are doing, never fully alert to our environment, and unaware what motivates us to say and do the things we do.

    I'm not endorsing these men but there is some truth in their observations.


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