They try to tell you God is love. If that isn't the biggest load I've ever heard than I don't know what is.
God is love huh? What would you say if I told you that there was a child that was deathly ill and the father had the cure? What if that father told his son "I'm not going to give you this cure because one of your brothers have been bad and I want to make sure all of my children know that I'm the boss around here and my way is the best"? Would you say that's something a loving father would do? Essentially that's what we are told in the Bible.
We've gotten the screw job right from the start, according to the Bible. For some reason, we have to suffer because some idiot ate a piece of fruit 6,000 years ago. Does that really make any sense? Is that fair?
This leads me to another point, nothing can exist without God having created it or the ability for something to come about. That means all of the sickness in the world originated from God. According to the Bible, we are all sick and dying because God put limitations on us having perfect health. In other words, God created sickness and suffering. Would somebody loving create something so terrible?