A God of love?

by MrFreeze 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PSacramento
    Well for one PSacramento, he could not have created such a thing as "sickness". He could not make us suffer for a reason we can't control, but he can.
    Of course, that'll never happen so I guess he can't prove it to me... can he?

    So, God would be love if there was no sickness CREATED by God? is that what you mean?

  • Farkel
  • designs

    Even Buddha was stuck with the ideas of temporary heaven and hell and other worlds, and being able to work yourself out of hell.

    The NT doesn't improve on the PR for God, parts of Revelation would sure give kids nightmares.

    Let's stop scaring our kids.

  • BurnTheShips
    Essentially that's what we are told in the Bible.

    That's what we are told in the JW interpretation, sure.

    If you accept individual human death as the end of all, and suffering as wholly evil, then you have reached obvious and correct conclusion regarding God.

    I'm not sure I share these premises.

    I think there are higher, longer term ends at play, here.


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