Another example of using their bogus translation to say, "we're the ONLY ones doing this...."
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus went from "house to house".
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that any Apostle went from "house to house".
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that any Christian disciple went from "house to house".
Interestingly, at Luke 10:7, where it says (in the NWT!!) "Do NOT go from house to house", the Greek is "ex oikia eis oikia"-- "from-house-to-house". Simple, right? But at Acts 5:42 AND Acts 20:20, the Greek is "katah oikos", translated properly as "in every house" or "according to house", but in BOTH places the NWT says "house to house"! I mean, you don't have to be a Greek scholar to see this!
Amazingly, the footnotes right in the NWT tell the true story: "In private houses" or "according to house". In other words, it was fine and dandy to teach someone the gospel in their own home. That's it! Those little asterisks in the NWT are basically saying, "We are crock full of shit!"