Did you know GOD spelled backwards is DOG?
Apologies for God
by watson 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Your mother is obviously a very humble person.
No, she really wants me to "have a relationship with Jehovah."
She's actually very arrogant. When I first started talking to her about my feelings about the org, she stated that I must have gotten it from the internet, as if I was too dumb to come to any conclusions on my own. She thinks she knows the bible better than anyone.
She has only recently started this stuff about having been so sinful, and not worshipping Jehovah the way she should. I don't know if this is some new thing coming from the KH, or what.
Crisis of Conscience
While I haven't completely lost faith in a God, I have certainly lost my footing. Many things just don't make sense about the way he reacts, according to the Bible. And I have grown tired of people's defenses in this regard for the time being.
However, I'm trying to remain open-minded and not write God off completely.
Below are some threads I started kind of along the same lines.
Thanks for starting this thread watson . (I hope I'm not hijacking. It's not my intent.)
Well, a "miss read" on my part Serenity. I see your point.
CoC, no problem. I appreciate the links.
If there is a creator/god, then I have to hold it accountable. So many are ready to defend something that there is no way to understand. Been there, but slowly moving on past it now. Kind of a relief, actually.
I have lived in the same house for damn near 40 years, I have loads of E-mail accounts, two land-line 'phones and two cell 'phones.
I am not that difficult to contact.
If God would like to get in touch I am happy to defend him long and loud, as long as he gives me a satisfactory answer to a question :
"Where were You when the Nazis ran the death camps ?"
:I am not that difficult to contact.
Neither is God. Just wait until the evening when you go to your bedroom. God will be right there peeking in your bedroom window just to make sure you aren't doing anything bad. In fact, he's peeking peeking in 3 billion windows at any given time and another 3 billion windows 12 hours later when it's dark halfway across the world. God is so busy peeking in windows to make sure people are not having "bad" sex that he has no time left to deal with any other problems.
God needs a new set of priorities.
Dawkins' description of the OT god is pretty accurate. One seems to run out of adjectives when it comes to describing his atrocities and attitude. I don't see how anyone can say it's an "opinion". As Bible students we've conditioned ourselves to use pretzel logic in defending this god, but there is no defense. The OT god is not a god of love. He sanctions incest, murder, pillaging, rape, child sacrifice (Jepthah's daughter), war, deception, and readily admits he "creates evil", and even seems proud of it.
This is why Jesus said "the world has not known you", but "I have made your name known". "Name", being the Greek "onoma", which can be either a literal name or a figurative name to denote "character" or "authority" according to Strong's.
The Gnostics have long held that the OT god was a lesser demiurge and not the Most High. I think the proof is in the Bible. The OT was not written in one particular style. Different writers had different ideas about God and they were separated by many centuries. There was the Jahwist and there was the Elohist. This accounts for the two different creation stories in the first two chapters of Genesis. One refers to the lesser demiurge that created the 3-dimensional universe, and the other to a plural divinity made of many gods and goddesses, evolved beings who occupy the positions for which we now strive.... in Oneness with the Creator. Psalms 82:1 makes a clear distinction between the Elohim and the Divine One, who is the God above Gods, the Most High, who is both male and female, and that God is internal to each of us.