Whether I was an elder has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion. It is yet another Debating strategy used by you and others sharing your views in this OP when you aren't getting your way. I am an expert in this particular field. If you want to dissect me, look at my posting history. I rarely if ever enter OPs where I can't provide significantly to it or where I'm not a subject matter expert.
Ego? I mean, really? You had every opportunity to avoid the keyboard and spare us all your incessant whining about a topic on which few if any adults agreed with you. You make wise-ass comments about a topic you know nothing about. Ego? Really?
If you're going to be a wise-ass, Bro, you really need to be right about your comments, or at least conduct some real research about the topic before O-whining, and pick and choose your battles carefully. Otherwise you just come across as a buffoon.
I'm trying to help you but you have to let me.