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“The Traveling Merchants” (19 min.) [Talk and interview.] [Note to speaker: For a cohesive presentation of the symposium, the newspaper illustration should be used for each of the three parts.]
Satan also controls, as part of his world, a greedy and oppressive commercial system, referred to as “the traveling merchants.” (Rev. 18:11) Imagine another article on the front page of your local newspaper entitled: “Scam Artists Victimize Millions!”
The commercial system exploits the common people and endeavours to keep them in economic bondage, even as Babylon the Great tries to keep people in religious bondage and the governments of this world endeavour to keep people in political bondage. ( w80 6/15 6 par. 1) For example, in
poverty-stricken countries, labourers work for pennies a day to produce goods that will enrich the greedy companies who exploit them. ( g99 5/22 4-9) Not only do tobacco companies market a lethal product for great profits but in recent years some have also raised nicotine levels in their products to make
them even more addictive, hence even more lucrative. ( g 6/07 30) Big business cares about one thing: profit. This will be fully evident when false religion is destroyed. [Read Revelation 18:15-17.]
Notice how the merchants’ real motives are shown. They say: “Too bad,” not because of any fondness for religion, but because such great riches have been devastated. The travelling merchants’ disregard for creation is seen in worldwide pollution that is “ruining the earth,” just for profit.—Rev. 11:
18; g92 3/8 21-22.
It takes strong effort not to be contaminated by the travelling merchants. Why? Each year, billions of dollars are spent on advertising designed to make us unhappy with what we have and desirous of things we do not have or need. ( re 73, box) We are surrounded by people whose thinking has been
moulded by the travelling merchants. They unwittingly slave for more and more things, but these will not bring them happiness. Let us not become contaminated. Let us not suffer “pains” because of developing a determination to be rich.(1 Tim. 6:9, 10)
Some questions to consider: Do we borrow money or use credit cards to buy non-essentials because we desire them, not reflecting on whether we can pay the debt when due? (Prov. 22:7) Do we see our brothers as potential customers only for our own advantage? (John 2:15, 16; w85 4/1
18-19) We need to be careful not to be so occupied with secular matters that we find it difficult to keep pace spiritually. (Mark 4:18, 19) Jesus made it clear that we cannot slave for two masters. (Matt. 6:24)We must work to reflect Jesus’ thinking on material belongings. [Read Luke 12:15.]
[Interview: (2 min.) Interview a brother, sister, or couple who are content with a modest lifestyle. Perhaps they used to give in to the world’s desires before they came into the truth, but they relate how Jehovah has taught them a better way. Perhaps they now engage in the full-time ministry. Or you
might interview a brother or family who over time became entangled in acquiring unnecessary possessions. Once they realized the burden of caring for them, they decided to simplify their life and have greatly increased the joy in their service to Jehovah.]
Now is the time to keep our focus on what is truly important. We should be interested in storing up treasures—but of the right kind. [Read Matthew 6:19, 20.] In “the great day of God the Almighty,” no material treasure will have any saving power. (Rev. 16:14) The traveling merchants are about to pass
away. [Read 1 John 2:17.] Refuse to allow your mind to be contaminated by the world’s satanic scam artists. Refuse to have even an emotional or sympathetic share in politics, false religion, or the commercial desires of this doomed world. The news is about to change! Even now, angelic hosts are publishing “everlasting good news . . . as glad tidings” to all who “fear God and give him glory.” (Rev. 14:6, 7) Stay uncontaminated and no part of the world! Centre your life on the perfect will of God, and live forever!