"Satan also controls, as part of his world, a greedy and oppressive commercial system, referred to as "the traveling merchants." (Rev. 18:11) Imagine another article on the front page of your local newspaper entitled: "Scam Artists Victimize Millions!" ..."
I found that highly ironic... My first thought was of "Da Judge" Rutherford and his opulent lifestyle during the Great Depression...
"Interview a brother, sister, or couple who are content with a modest lifestyle. Perhaps they used to give in to the world's desires before they came into the truth, but they relate how Jehovah has taught them a better way. Perhaps they now engage in the full-time ministry.
Or you might interview a brother or family who over time became entangled in acquiring unnecessary possessions. Once they realized the burden of caring for them, they decided to simplify their life and have greatly increased the joy in their service to Jehovah. ..."
The bottom line is; "Brothers, make do with less, because WE need YOUR money!!!"
And they're still discouraging higher education... Sheesh... Whatta buncha idiots!!!