New Awake - JWs are Great!

by brotherdan 57 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • leavingwt

    "nor take up money collections at their places of worship" <-------- This is a very misleading statement.

    I cannot count the number of Service Meetings I've attended in which finances were discussed. Moreover, there are multiple people assigned to COLLET the money from donation boxes after each meeting.

    Therefore, their statement above, should read: "We won't literally place a collection bowl in your hand."

  • ProdigalSon


    Brotherdan, a quick search of the WT CD-rom also reveals a "Jeremiah Class", "Ezekiel Class", "David Class", "Elijah Class", "anointed class", "other sheep class" and who knows what else...still looking... first class, business class, coach class... oh sorry that's Lufthansa....

  • zoiks
    Funny how they did that since it's impossible to know for sure if you really are emulating them

    Yeah, it is funny...but so many of the R&F just eat that sh*t up. I think one of the few things that scholars and most Christians know for sure about the earliest Christianity is that they most definitely did NOT go door to door, nor was there a systematic 'preaching work' with all of its trappings.

  • brotherdan

    Your right, zoiks. Each one of them will remember this "teaching box" and repeat these things when people ask "Who are Jehovah's Witnesses?" JWs are trained that the only questions they can ask are at the bottom of the page, and the only answers they will get are in the paragraph.

  • ProdigalSon

    They don't participate in actual warfare but it seems to be okay to own half the stock of Rand-Cam, one of the most advanced warfare technology corporations in the world!

  • brotherdan

    Prodigal Son, do you know where that info can be found? I know that I saw somewhere that they own stocks in some pretty shady companies, but I can't remember where I saw it.

    I think it's interesting, because I work in the investment field as a marketing specialist, and there ARE things called "Sustainable Portfolios". Basically they are "socially responsible" portfolios that invest in "green" companies. You would think that they would feel obligated to belong in one of these portfolios instead...

  • brotherdan

    Never mind. I found the accusation and their response.Who knows how true it is, knowing their record...

  • jookbeard

    I'll answer each bullet point, how ironic that the exact opposite is true from these lying deceitful apostates that are the WTS

    They have no clergy class;

    LOL they have as many names /titles if not more then the mainstream clergy; Elders/Pioneers/COE's,Congregation Secretary,Service Overseers/Ministerial Servants/Auxiliary Pioneers/Regular Pioneers/Missionary's/Special Pioneers/Zone Over-sears/Circuit Overseers/District Overseers/Governing Body Members/Gilead Instructors, and that is not including the countless ranks that are held in the Branch offices world wide.

    Their elders,teachers and missionaries are nonsalaried;

    a clear blatant lie, CO's/DO's/Missionary's/GB members and Bethel workers world wide receive a salary.

    They do not tithe or take up money

    again more utter lies, big clear contribution boxes are stood in strategic places in all KH's and they pay for their magazines and all books twice!

    All their activities are supported by voluntary contributions;

    not strictly true, but big deal.

    They remain neutral in regards to politics

    another big fat juicy whopper of a lie, if remaining neutral is being a fully member of the United Nations then I've misunderstood the meaning of neutrality!

    They advocate peace and do not partake in warfare

    another big fat lie, holding current stock and shares of companies that produce and manufacture military hardware hardly can constitute someone to be neutral!

    They are globally united in their beliefs;

    not true there are many splinter groups and sects of the WTS and they have the worse retention rates of any man made religious cult on the planet

    They are fully integrated racially;

    another fat lie, only in the last 10 years have they selected a African American to rule on their exclusive synod GB that has comprised of White members for well over 100 years!

    They are not affiliated with any other religions;

    not much of a big deal their founder and Freemason CT Russel borrowed a selection of Adventist beliefs when founding the cult and they also share many of the peculiar beliefs that cults like the Amish/Scientologists and Plymouth Brethren use which include the prohibition and out right banning of various life saving medical treatments.

    So in summary we can conclude that this shiny new "box" that appears in the new Awake magazine in a complete pack of lies. The public need to be warned of this.

  • brotherdan

    I'm having trouble finding if the WT STILL currently owns stock in military organizations. Everything that I'm finding is coming from the 90's...

  • jookbeard

    BD it wont have mattered to the grand Creator if the stock was held in the 30's/50's or 70's the fact is they held the stock, they were judged and condemned way way before then it just reinforces the fact that they are Apostates and False Prophets and reinforces the scriptures in Duet of Revelation

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