You're preaching to the choir. I know they aren't neutral and that they are an organization of apostasized Christianity. I was just wondering if there was proof that we could show that they STILL own those kind of stocks.
New Awake - JWs are Great!
by brotherdan 57 Replies latest watchtower bible
eyes wide shut
This article inferrs an assumption that change or being unique is a good thing, that being mainstream is not or is wrong. In most cases being unusual with doctrine or practice should pose a red flag to someone. The statement, "many people are amazed", also inferrs an assumption that many people are not liking what is out there and want something different and being amazed can mean content to know. All these inferred assumptions are wrong.
They have no clergy class.
There is nothing wrong with a clergy class. In fact the clergy do not lord over the people telling them what to do, such as the elders and men in brooklyn do.
Their teachers are unsalaried.
Who cares. It does not matter. If a religion chooses to pay the minister it should be fine. It shows they care for their own.
They niether tithe or take up collection plates at their places of worship.
This inferrs that being a Jw is going to be cheap and giving money to them is not a obligatory thing. The fact of the matter is someone going to a church needs to pay at some point in time whether a collection is passed around or boxes are put to the back it doesn't matter. To point this out is just plain stupid. HOW the money comes into a religous group is inconsequential as long as it is voluntary. I think most churches have voluntary donations.
They remain nuetral to politics
Not true. The Watchtower does not use active political measures to change things but they use what is called passive resistance to change politics. Much like the ACLU is an organisation that uses only lawsuits to make new laws or destroy old ones the WTBS use lawsuits to effect change in any system or country. If they were truly neutral they would not use lawsuits or the court systems to get their way.
They advocate peace and do not participate in warfare.
They are inferring here that other religous groups are not for peace. All mainstream Christians promote peace and do not wish war on any nation. The problem with rejecting war outright is that at times it is necessary to defend agaisnt evil. The WT does not understand this. By making this statement any crazy loonatic would just be able to run rampant all over the world and people would just let it happen. I suppose to a JW to not fight Hitler was something God would have wanted rather than combat his evil plans. Their logic here is not sound. War and the participation in war is a necessary evil.
They are Globally united in their bible based beliefs.
So is a lot of other religions. I don't see any difference here.
They have no social ethnic or racial divisions...
In any kingdom hall you have divisions of peoples. It may not be blatant but it is there. All sinful humans have these tendencies. Jw's are no different. If the are inferring in a theological sense then that is true they do not teach otherwise but neither does most Christians.
They are not affiliated with any other religion whether Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant.
Untrue. Jehovah's Witnesses are Protestant. The whole idea behind there church is to deny the authority of the Catholic church and set themselves up as the one true religion. In doing so the protest what the Catholic church claims. But in reality they are also known by apologists to be classed as Restorationists.
Its funny how they break their arms patting themselves on the back! As others have already pointed out, their assertions are either meaningless or outright lies.
Gotta keep reminding the R&F that they are all part of the greatest thing since sliced bread.
BD; Master Paul of JW Facts has much info on the military stock that they have held.
eyes wide shut
They believe that there is one true God whose name is Jehovah.
Half truth in comparing others. Most Christians believe that God has a name, as in a personal pronoun but His name is not confined to a personal pronoun. Most Christians understand God's name to be more than just a personal pronoun, JW's do not.
They do not believe that Jesus is God or believe in the Trinity.
Very different. I think that is why most people that leave the Watchtower are so damaged by this teaching that they can never go any where else. But again to reiterate, being different and unique does not mean it is right.
They follow the teachings of Jesus and honour him as Son.
Simply untrue. Very little honour is given to Jesus. In fact they claim he is dead and Michael the Archangel now rules in heaven. I think this was added in here to pull people in to their ways and them knowing that most people can connect to Jesus. But once a JW very little emphasis is placed on Jesus and no JW has a personal relationship with him.
They do not venerate the cross or use idols in their worship.
They are implying that veneration of the cross is wrong. And they cleverly put idols in the sentence which would imply that a statue in a church is an idol hence idolatry. Just because a statue is in a church does not mean people worship it, nor do the fall down and worship a few sticks put together in the shape of a cross either.
They do not believe in a fiery hell where all bad people go after death.
They will when they get there someday. In the meantime they preach annihilation and a re creation process. Not biblical at all. Another barrier for those that were witnesses. Most can't get past the annihilation at death teaching. This is the same as what as Atheist believes.
They believe the kingdom is an earthly paradise
Most Christians believe in a bodily resurrection and a new heaven and new earth but do not confine it like the Watchtower Corp. does.
Part 2 Doctrine;
They only believe in one true God whose name is Jerkhoobah;
Big deal more borrowed dogma from monotheistic religions they certainly are not the first nor the last who promote an inaccurate rendition of the Tetragrammaton there are many scared name movements like the Jehovites/Assemblies of Yahweh.
They do not believe Jesus Christ is almighty God;
ditto above, not so much of a huge deal, many man made religious cults promote monotheism
They follow the teachings of Christ and honour him as the son of God;
if ever there was a statement that borders heresy then this is it, they follow their Governing Body and place JC as way down the list of who they follow. They do not even pray to JC!
They do not venerate the Cross or use idols;
another big fat lie, the symbol of a Watchtower can be seen in Brooklyn as can it be seen of the countless billions of printed trash they produce. the simple fact is that historical evidence points to the fact that the Romans did use crucifixes to execute.
They do not believe in Hell
LOL they have a far worse scenario at Armageddon when their angry destructive Hebrew god destroys billions
They believe that God will bring a paradise;
the fantasy of playing with ferocious animals fails to take into consideration the Biblical accounts of a Great Crowd that go to heaven! and a scripture that clearly states that those faithful patriarchs (Abraham/Issac/Jacob/Moses etc) who they believe are going to live in an Earthly paradise yet the Bible says are going to a place in Heaven that God has prepared for them!
So part 2 we can safely say is more of the same, lies!
Neutral? The WT is very active in the courts of the US and in other countries trying to obtain rulings that help the finances of the WT Corporation. So while they may not recommend candidates for political offices, they do try and influence the courts and laws, rather than let Jehovah take care of any perceived injustices. Since JWs preach that Jehovah's Kingdom is the only hope for mankind, then why should JWs worry about the governments and their judiciary? It could be said that since Jehovah as taken no action against any worldly governments, the governments rule with God's permission. Standing still by not being active citizens is taking a stand, IMO. What happens to your house when you decide to be neutral towards dirt and bugs/vermin?
JWs are social parasites, who suck out all the material good they can from society without contributing anything back. Yes, they do takes sides and the world has seen JWs for the selfish religion they really are.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Why didn't they mention that they prohibit the medical use of donated blood based on misinterpretation of scriptures?
And if someone would accept donated blood for medical usage, the member will be DF/DA based on misinterpretation of scriptures. Why wouldn't they mention that? It certainly makes them different.
Why didn't they mention that they don't baptize babies, but only "adults"... like the greatest number of "adults" baptized locally ... the minor teenage children of members?
Something else that makes them different is their belief that all non-JWs will be destroyed forever, very soon now? Why didn't they include that in their list?
No Clergy? Really? After the Watchtower Society has fought in court to have clerical privilege recognized for elders! And they told legal authorities that they had a Hierarchy in fighting for disputed Kingdom Hall ownership?
No paid clergy? Are C.O.'s or D.O's compensated or renumerated? A free car? A stipend? Paid expenses? Housing?
Utter Liars
At face value it looks all so innocent but even just reading their doctrinal differences gives me a shiver - they play on peoples' emotions and insecurities: no firey hell where BAD people will burn. God blesses mankind - that is a load of BS - as they believe that only JWs' will be blessed and perhaps those associated with them if they have heart condition.
Thank goodness I'm a healthy woman - no heart condition here.