My Story

by kp138 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Wow....another newbie. Welcome kp138. Great first post that has some adversity and triumphs. Hope you enjoy it here.

    Think About It

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Nice to hear from you.

  • Gayle

    Thank you for sharing your story. I am very empathetic for your loss. I am sure your father loved you very much, was sincere and did the best he knew how. It is so very sad his life ended in such sorrow and hardship.

    I am glad you see the need to move on and have yet a positive life, different than the life of your childhood. Reading is important now to see thoroughly why the religion no doubt set up your dad to feel he was a lousy father. The religion has a manipulation to make all its members feel "lousy" for something or the other, devalued. It was not your doing.

    I am glad you are going to college now. I hope also, you will read "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz, a former governing body member of JWs. It will help you immensely to understand why the organization would not have any positive spirit or ways to help you, nor your father.

    I am glad you are reviewing your childhood, and the reason why you must do it differently. Your future can be so much better.

  • jwfacts

    Welcome and thanks for your story. It is heartbreaking, but sounds as though your father really loved you and did what he felt was best for the family.

  • jamiebowers

    Welcome. Please know that people who commit suicide aren't thinking with a clear mind and everything looks im to them.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Welcome to the forum KP.

    You are telling the story of my youth and describing my father. The biggest difference being that, through chance as much as good management, he isn't broke in old age.



  • Hadit

    Welcome KP138! Thank you for sharing. I'm so sorry for the loss of your father. He sounds like he truly loved you and did the best that he could. I'm glad you are going to college and moving forward. Please take care of your anxiety issues with a doctor and/or some counselling.

    There are really nice people on this site and much helpful information to aid in healing.

    I wish you all the best. Take good care of yourself!


  • grewupjw1969

    Welcome!!! I'm very sorry to hear about your father. I am about ten yrs older than you and can fully understand how you feel. As I am sure so many others can.


  • 3dogs1husband

    story...welcome. My wonderful brother, has in the past spoke of the underground route to the New System. It is soooo sad, currently he is in a loving good relationship, but they are spritual week right now. (bith in JW land, and in the real world) I worry for him too. May you find comfort in those who get "it"

  • Bangalore



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