My Story

by kp138 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • agent86

    Hi, your story was very moving, as sad as it is your father loved you and your mum very much to go to that extent. But only if you knew what was going on in his mind and if he spoke to you and trusted in you. He too obviously had issues and this was his way of dealing with it.

    I hope you have found peace and only time can help.

    And congrats on furthering your education, my mum is in her 60's and she has competed more degrees that what i have ever imagine. I say its never to late to impove. Just keep moving forward :)

  • coffee_black

    Welcome! I am so sorry about your father...


  • ProdigalSon

    SO sorry about your dad kp.... this is some serious testimony to how doomsday cults break hearts and lives through sheer disappointment. Thanks for sharing and welcome!


  • pirata

    Welcome kp138. Hope to here more from you. Thank you for sharing your story.

  • Nowman

    Wow, welcome! After I was done reading your post, the 1st thing that I thought of was perhaps your dad put "lousy father" because of the guilt he felt raising you that way because in 2008 (and b4) he has doubts? I think you have courage, and what you went thru was diffcult.

    I was born in. My mom left the religion in 2000 (became one at 17) - it messed with her mind, she tried to commit suiside also, twice. She does not know how to be a part of normal society, she escapes with meds, and alchohol. Its sad. But, she is in my life, so I will take it. But, she always feels guilt, she has a hard being around me because of her guilt, it consumes her. I wish she would let it go, and at least make an attempt to make her life great. It seems at this point, she does not have it in her.

    Best wishes to you...make your life GREAT.


  • dinah

    Welcome, kp!

    Our parents thought they were doing the right thing and saving our lives. Your Dad was just doing what he had been taught, he loved you and wanted you to live. The lousey father comment is very sad, the desperation of his final act is even more sad.

    I'm in my early 40's and I distinctly remember the "Malawi" incident. I was terrified!!!! Who wants to be tortured and raped and beaten? Not for me!

    Panic attacks from watching the news? Yes! I was constantly looking for signs of the "end". I'm happy it didn't come back then, because I've met so many great people and enjoyed so much of my life since leaving.

    My story is on here, you'd just have to click my user name and read my posts. It's been quite a journey!

  • dinah

    And kp, don't worry about the "apostate" label. It's just a name they throw around to shut you up.

    I embrace it. While I don't actively go around Witness bashing, they view me as apostate for SIMPLY NOT AGREEING WITH THEM. So fine, I don't agree with them---they resort to calling names??? Third grade, anyone?

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    Welcome KP- I could relate with much of your early story- my JW mom keeping me awake nights telling me to prepare for torture and hiding when the big A comes, I used to read survivial books to find out how to survive a fire, flood, tornado, hurricane, etc. I practiced drills in my room of what to do if armageddon came.

    My dad married my mom in the 1950's and got baptized just to marry her, then quit

    We just talked about that last weekend, sadly he said he would not have carried through with that course if he knew the consequences of what would come for him and us kids....they have had a hard married life full of fights and strife- now he has kidney failure and diagnosed with lung cancer (he is not seeking treatment) so even the "golden years" are hard for them

    I am so sorry for your loss

    Thanks for sharing your story with your positive steps...sharing that helps us all that are trying to move on


  • Ding

    All this talk about upcoming persecution seems strange to me as a non-born in.

    Most people I know outside the organization don't know what JWs believe and don't care.

  • WingCommander


    I just wanted to write and offer you my condolences and to welcome you. I am 31, also born into this religion/cult. Both of my JW parents have passed away.

    I want to offer you this thought, since you seem to be suffering from depression related to your father's suicide.

    Did you even consider that the JW Religion drove your father to suicide, and NOT YOU??? Being a JW is a constant guilt trip, you can never do enough, be at enough meetings, be in field service enough, be perfect enough, be spiritual enough, etc. It wears people down and the burn up all of the time. My JW mother was a nurse for many decades. She worked in the psych ward for 10 of those years. Guess which members of a specific religious group she saw the most in there? Yep - JW's!!! She couldn't obviously tell me their names, but she sure told me when some of them were in the nut house, for a myriad of reasons...usually depression, psychosis, schizophrenia, alcohol and/or drug abuse, violent spouses, etc, etc. It was incredible. So you see, they can spout off that they are, "The Happiest People on Earth" all they want, but it doesn't make it so. They are most likely the most depressed and/or suicidal people on earth.

    - Wing Commander

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