....just thinking....
Did You Notice Most Elders Are "Weird"?
by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends
Mall Cop
There was a time when I thought that they were spirit appointed men to shepherd Jesus' little sheep, to be a protector for the congregation.
Now I know better.Having served on the Elder Body I know that they and myself were not appointed by Holy Spirit. Even so, I tried my best to be the kind of person that Jesus would be proud of to have served him well.
That was all an illusion. The ones serving today "Weird" ???? I haven't seen or heard one in years. Where do they hide out?
Misery and Elderelite are the coolest elders I know!
Think About It
I served as an elder in 2 different congs with a total of 15 other elders. I would only classify 2 of those guys as weird to me. Only 2 other guys I didn't care much for, but they weren't really weird, they were just too negative about everything.
Think About It
I knew a lot of weird elders.
Yes, like politicians......with bad breath.
I'm related to a few weird elders.
Did You Notice Most Elders Are "Weird"?
Why are you projecting your assessment of yourself on an entire class of people?
My uncle (an annointed elder) once sat me down to talk about pornography when I was 16. He told me that every time I have a craving to watch it, is is a thought implanted by the demons. That would constitute as weird in my book.
I think that anyone who would play the role of an irritating little red spot is weird...