You are light years ahead of where some of us are. Count your blessings as far as I am concerned.
Question For Those Who Have Been Around Awhile...
by BoomTown 22 Replies latest jw friends
By "holidays" I'm assuming she means Christmas and Easter? Then maybe Islam is the right alternative for her? Or how about Judaism? They don't celebrate those holidays either.
Or perhaps have her read the passage in Romans 14:5, 6:
One person regards one day holier than other days, and another regards them all alike.Each must be fully convinced in his own mind. The one who observes the day does it for the Lord.
Really, according to the apostle Paul, the decision to observe a day as "holy" (the origin of the word "holiday") or not, was up to the individual, not up to the religious leaders, the community leaders or anyone else. It was a matter of individual conscience.
The WTS in disallowing the observances of holidays and other observances (such as birthdays - even though they hypocritically 'celebrated' their 100th anniversary) is going beyond what the scriptures say.
I know what you mean about having the beliefs "hardwired" family are the same, and were not even raised in it....
I liked Flyinghighnow's succinct comment further up the thread. Take it gently, non threatening. You know her better than anybody .