What would you like to learn or understand, or are in the process of learning about?
(yes I know this is rather minimusy)
by Markfromcali 13 Replies latest jw friends
What would you like to learn or understand, or are in the process of learning about?
(yes I know this is rather minimusy)
To answer the question:
I have really been looking into eastern spiritual concepts, they are pretty facinating. As well as figuring out where I stand in American politics.
I have been in the process of learning myself and my own beliefs. While that is never-ending, I was pretty heavy into it for the last few years and now am ready to lighten up and move on to the next thing.
The next thing might be writing novels- everything about it. I think I'll be great at it. Maybe cooking, too.
Wine (peace to you, dear MFC!). I love wine (reds, almost exclusively, although I will have the occasional white - hate roses, except white merlot - adore dry/brut sparkling wine/champagne)... and I currently work in the very heart of California's "wine country" (watching the vines from planting and dressing to harvest for the first time was really fascinating!), so, I am inundated with "wine"... ummmm... "ology" (pretty much everything involving viticulture/wine science). It really is the local "language" and can be quite interesting... when it isn't pretentious, which it can also be.
Unfortunately for me, there are SO many varieties of grapes/berries/wines... so many locations where the grapes/berries are produced... and prices run the gamut... and I'm so anal when it comes to drink... that I've only scratched the surface. And so the truth is that my understanding and palate will most probably never move past what I now know. For one, I don't really have the time to dedicate to it; two, there are just too many and I'm really like a deer in the headlights in the wine aisle; three, I really can't afford it (or that's what I keep telling myself).
But I do love how wine enthusiasts, connoiseurs, sommeliers, etc., "know" their wines. They all taste fairly similar to me, with only slight variances among the same variety and so I would LOVE to know what "they" know... how they can tell the differences and nuances.
I would also love to learn how to make wine (which would probably also include a little cooking). It all just seems like such a great hobby.
I don't, however, wish to "hang out" with [or become on of those] folks whose entire lives revolve around wine (like some I work with - LOLOL!). Not that I don't like such people, but because I'm a bit too... ummmm... multi-layered for that. I'd most likely get bored after a year or two... or three... if that's all my world involved.
But thanks for asking, dear Mark... and, again, peace to you!
SA, on her own...
Critical thinking first. Then psychology, science, & philosophy. In that order.
Neuroscience, mind/body connection, critical thinking, mind control, psychology, consciousness . . . I'm all over the map. I love reading and learning.
Ironically, Charles Darwin had been preparing to become a country vicar before he embarked on his travels that helped him develop the theory of evolution.
:What are you curious about?
Why we park on the driveway but drive on the parkway.
Why lazy people are called inert but active people aren't called ert.
Why they have braille on bank ATM machines on the driver's side at the drive up window.
What happened to that soft drink's other 6 "Ups?"
How cattle can make solid protein out of grass.
How a certain gender can bleed for 5 days every month and still live.
Why a man's hair migrates from his head to his ears and eyebrows when he ages. What does that accomplish?
Why when some people think something is really good he says "that's really bad."
Why do Americans have a game where a ball hardly ever gets kicked called "Football?" Shouldn't they call it "Runball" or "Passball?"
If preaching from house-to-house is a requirement for salvation, why do Watchtower leaders think they will also be saved?
Stuff like that.