Farkel, you're running way ahead of the herd
What are you curious about?
by Markfromcali 13 Replies latest jw friends
Barak Obama's passport application.
Was Marilyn Monroe murdered?
Will I ever get my garage cleaned out?
Why is my wife always right about money?
Mark, you haven't answered your own question so please do.
LOL @ Outlaw and Farkel!
As for me, I'm currently reading up on:
1) Permaculture
2) Wicca/Witchcraft
3) Horses (always)
4) Elder care
5) Making jewelry and other crafts
6) Always on the look out for yummy recipes for anything.
I always have found it interesting that all my 'interests' have nothing to do with my actual career.
Well Heaven, you can see from my threads that it has to do with the stuff Hadit mentioned, but right now I'm curious about being curious. :) Often people aren't really curious, they might be interested in what can X do for me, even if that's to resolve some cognitive dissonance but then it's like you tend to skip stuff since you're so goal oriented. To take the JW example, there's the difference between just believing because you'd like to and that it appeals to you on some level, and just being really interested in what's really true. And of course that isn't even against JW doctrine at least last time I checked, although I kind of wonder if they don't quote that scripture about the noble minded Boreans as much anymore.