It does mention what to do in the case of a disaster, but there are no specific instructions for the Big A. What's a brother to do?
Why doesn't the Elder's Book give any instructions about Armageddon?
by Mad Dawg 36 Replies latest watchtower bible
Head to the nearest Kingdom Hall, that is if they are not sold off by then
Lady Lee
Now that is an interesting question.
If it was supposed to come as "soon" as they say it is then you would think there would be some instructions. Its not like they would be able to get them after it begins.
Ok ex-elders fess up Do such instructions exist? If so in what format? Are they a BoE letter? Another book?
Or are you guys just supposed to wing it.
Maybe it's like Farkel said, They don't believe in their own bull.
huh...... duh
I always remember being told that the Book Study was so important because that's where we would get information when the "persecution" started... like, where the next meeting would be, how to hide our literature, how to go in service "secretly", and other important stuff.
Now that the Book Study arrangement has been moved out of private homes, you'd think they'd really need some way to get their secret info out to the flock!
Lady Lee
ah yea once more they are shooting themselves in the foot
Armageddon? what's that?
They already have the survival kits.