Wasblind & outlaw... If you send me a couple of hundred of those AWAKE's
I will willingly go door to door passing them out...Even send my time in to Brooklyn
by Listener 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wasblind & outlaw... If you send me a couple of hundred of those AWAKE's
I will willingly go door to door passing them out...Even send my time in to Brooklyn
Go to
and research that question if you're really interested.
Hey maybe you can help me, I've researched up and down and can't find the answer to this question:
What is the Biblical basis for determining the difference between a "fraction of blood" and a "component of blood"?
It's a pretty important question - after all, transfusion of a a "component", if not repented of, wil lead to disfellowshipping and eternal irrevocable annihilation at the hands of an angry God; while transfusion of a "fraction" is a "conscience matter" - if your conscience allows it, God will let is slide.
I know the list the Society has produced outlining what a fraction is, vs. what a component is - it's in several Watchtowers and a Kingdom Ministry from 3 or 4 years ago.
What I've never been able to find is the scriptural basis for allowing one but not the other. Why is one OK but the other is not?
"What I've never been able to find is the scriptural basis for allowing one but not the other. Why is one OK but the other is not?"
Hey there Sir82, let me help you with that, on page 71 in the reasoning book it equates blood with Idolatry and fornication.
on the same page it states that fractions should not be added or eaten. on page 73 in this same book they compare having a transfusion to the same thing as eating.
In the August 2006 Awake on page 11 & 12 it states that "As for the various fractions derived from those components__- and products that contain such fractions the Bible does not comment on these. Therefore each witness makes his own personal decision"
EVIDENLTY they couldn't find any scriptural basis either and a lot of people died needlessly
You spouted your answer to this question:
:“Where did the the 'new light' come from?”
with this:
:An inquiry into the scriptures.
:You couldn't figure that much out?
Sure. I can figure that out. So, if that's where "new light" comes from, then where did the "old light" come from?
If it also came from "an inquiry into the scriptures", then either the "new light" demonstrates a shitty inquiry, the "old demonstres a shitty inquiry or both kinds of "light" are shitty inquiries into the scriptures.
And, if the "old light" DIDN'T come from "an inquiry into the scriptures" then what business did it have being "light" in the first place?
You couldn't figure that much out?
Spade vs Farkel
"Spade says: "“New light” is simply a concept that denotes new understanding of a subject being studied."
May I remind you Spade, Holy spirit is very powerful, this is the same Holy spirit that created the earth, parted the red sea, impregnated a virgin,
and caused a roomfull of people to speak in different tongues, Now you mean to tell me this same Holy Spirit cant' get the right info to the GB the first time ?
Talk to me now!!!!!! Ain't this the same Organization that claims to be guided by this same Holy Spirit ?"
You seem rather fixated on miraculous power which should likewise cause a person to question why a man isn't walking on water, curing the sick and raising the dead. If the Watchtower Society was primarily interested in answering unreasonable critics, I assume they would leave anything they published written in stone and then there would be no new light to criticize. Their target audience is likely much more receptive and reasonable than the likes of what we have here in this forum. It's obvious no one here is spirit directed, (posting profane propaganda) so it's no surprise you can't relate.
To the WTBTS, "old light" came from Jehovah.
It's what you needed to know at the time, even though it was wrong.
Don't flame me over this.
Just reporting the WTBTS view.
I just love return visits
Spade says: "You seem rather fixated on miraculous power which should likewise cause a person to question why a man isn't walking on water, curing the sick and raising the dead."
you got that right Spade especially when the Jehovah's witnesses claim to have the power of Holy spirit, turn with me to page 31 in the public edition of the October 1, 2010 Watchtower.
It states: "The publishers of this journal do not hesitate to say that Jehovah Witnesses fit the Bible's description of the people having Holy Spirit."
Now according to the Bible's description, people who recieved holy Spirit did do miraculous things, such as write the Bible, (which has never changed or been ditched as old light). And in Matthew 10:1,7,8 shows power that was imparted to the apostles.
How was this accomplished ? turn with me to the top of page 381 in the reasoning book where it states that it is: "a powerful force that God causes to emanate from himself to accomplish his holy will."
why does the WT have so many failed predictions if it is guided by Holy Spirit? This power causes things to become. All of your arrival dates have been canceled.
Spade says:"It's obvious no one here is spirit directed,"
are you directed by Holy Spirit ? If so, Did the Holy spirit direct you to this forum?
Spades says: " If the Watchtower Society was primarily interested in answering unreasonable critics, I assume they would leave anything they published written in stone and then there would be no new light to criticize."
The Bible isn't written on stone tablets either, and yet it has not changed. The inspired word of God holds true, the WTS literature does not.