Ding said -
It's what you needed to know at the time, even though it was wrong.
Don't flame me over this.
Just reporting the WTBTS view.
Then a mother of her child that had to refuse a kidney transplant in the 70s was because it was the right time?
Anyway, if the holy spirit is directing them, how does it direct them more so than other people? So they are not listening to Gods directrion properly until it becomes blatantly obvious or convenient? It becomes obvious that they are listening to their own thoughts and not Gods and that follows that individuals listen to mans thoughts and not Gods, that is a big burden to carry, but at least they can blame (praise) the org.
A poster mentioned faith. Why are we to have faith in the org and not in God or Jesus? A JW might say because they are the Truth but flip flops, new light and old light would at best show only that they are the closest thing to the truth and yet God and Jesus are the Truth. A JW might also say that it would cause disunity if they went against the orgs teaching, but isn't it better to follow God's Truth?
It's funny how the JWs give so much ridicule to publications such as the book of Mormon or the Koran and yet require strict adherence to their own publications.
All would be much more acceptable if they could only say, in humility and truth, that they are making a well researched and educated guess along with sincere supplication to God and the bible but it was up to the individual to draw their own conclusions. There is a difference between directing and guiding and lording over or ruling their r & f.