She is bitter right now because someone had a get together and her little sisters(23 and 21 years old) weren't invited. She asked why and the girl responded, "we're trying to have only people who are trying to good come to the party. The 23 and 21 year olds are unbaptized and are typical college students.
So she is bitter that people are judging her family.
She really has never taken studying/doctrine seriously. I've had numerous conversations with her in the past and I've had to explain the witnesses beliefs before explaining why its wrong.
This was the kind of nonsense that infuriated me when I was a JW.
The best scripture for this kind of situation is John 13:35
By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.
The favoritism, the cliques, the social exclusion amply demonstrate that the JWs do not have "the truth". My suggestion would be for the two of you to take up an activity that you can enjoy with other couples who are NOT JW. Try cooking classes or wine making groups or art appreciation or ballroom dancing - there are so many activities that you can do together that will help you meet non JWs, and help her realize that non JWs can be pretty classy people, without any of the stupid hangups about a person's Spirituality™ (Field Service Report™), where you can be treated with dignity and respect. This is the kind of thing that can be really eye-opening for your wife, to see "normal" people who are in reality just like her, with similar interests, who are decent human beings, regardless of their religious backgrounds.
Being worried about Armageddon™ is a realistic fear for a JW - but it's an irrational fear from the standpoint of reality.
Ask her "How many decisions have you put on hold because you thought Armageddon™ was Right Around The Corner™?"
At some point in my journey out of the JWs I started realizing that life is meant to be lived. If she truly believes that life is a gift from God, how disrespectful is it of that gift to not use it to its full potential? If someone is born with a talent - say she has an artistic flair and never developed it because she was waiting for the New System™ - what if she never used that gift, that talent? Isn't that the same as the person in Jesus' parable who buried the talent, not even investing it so it could earn interest? What did Jesus say was the Master's reaction to the slave who squandered his talent that way? Knowing the Master's displeasure with that particular slave, what would the Master's reaction be to anyone who encouraged the slave to squander their talent, the way the WTS does with JWs - getting them to put their lives "on hold" to do meaningless activity whose only purpose is to benefit the WTS? That realization hit me like a ton of bricks. That was a huge moment of the shackles coming off my thought processes, and the WTS was no longer going to enslave me for its own benefit, and to my detriment.