has anyone done this, seen it happen, or heard of it happening? with what results?
declaring the truth about the truth during a talk from the platform
by agent zero 31 Replies latest jw experiences
I believe a poster called LittleToe did something like that years ago. If I'm incorrect - sorry.
Yeah, Littletoe, a guy from scotland....a little cong in the highlands. Did his talk, then the last 10 minutes of his talk, he said his goodbyes, and explained why he was leaving. If you search on here, you'll find a link to the actual talk. It's a WAV file. The quality's duff, but it's worth a listen.
agent zero
ah thanks, i found the thread on it: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/20680/1/Going-out-with-a-bang
agent zero
oops, didn't see yours there brotherDan, we posted at the same time
Here's a link to his talk:
I wish I had - but the closest I came was the Memorial service I had to give in about 1977 or 1978.
I just could not follow that outline...so, I made up my own. Read all the scriptures that apply to it and then had the emblems passed without one word about the annointed or the 144,000.
Believe it or not, a lot of people told me they thought it was a good service.
I resigned as elder about a month after that and had my last-ever meeting a week or two after (walked into a circuit assembly, turned around, and went right back out in about two minutes.)
Like tongue-tied baseball guy Yogi Berra once said - it's not over till it's over, but when it's over - it's over.
Just finished listening to this talk...
Wow...shocking...and...amazing. What courage! What faith! I hope this brother is doing good all the way down to today.
That link didn't work for me.
Could you please check it?