Brotherdan's New Blog

by brotherdan 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • brotherdan

    Although I know it is not the place to advertise, I just wanted to inform you guys that I am starting a new blog. I will be updating it AT LEAST weekly. It will be an analysis of older WT publications.

    As you'll see in my first post, my intention isn't to "bash" the Watchtower, but only to give a critical eye to what was said (good and bad) and how it contributed to the JW culture that we see today.

    If anyone is interested, check it out. I'll still be posting here however. You guys are my friends (and therapy... )

  • laverite

    Bro Dan:

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    So if I decide to go to the Jedi Temple.........

    I can ask you to tag along?????

  • VampireDCLXV

    Coolness. I'll have to check it out...


  • brotherdan

    I don't know about this "Jedi Temple". Sounds

    I'M IN!!!

  • mamalove

    Dan when I first started realizing everything, I also started a blog. I wrote in it alot, never shared it though. It was very theraputic to put words to paper so to speak. I never needed to share it after I typed it out. I hope you can chronicle your journey and it helps you through this tough time.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Vera nice. Keep up the good work!

    One thing... I noticed you quoted Thomas Paine at the end and, while I found his perspective pretty enlightening, he came down hard on the Bible in The Age of Reason and said it would be an insult to the creator to attribute that book to him. I didn't know if that might pose a conflict of interest for readers of your blog.

    It's a good quote either way - applies to the WT perfectly! Just thought you should be aware in case someone asks about it.

  • brotherdan

    Yeah, I've GOT to share it. I tried the whole "Write a letter to someone and then throw it away" kind of therapy thing. It never made sense to me and just ended up frustrating me.

    Plus, I sort of want a record of my journey.

    If you ever want to share your old blog, mamalove, it'd be awesome to share NOW so we can see where you were and how far you've come...if it's not too personal.

  • Chalam

    It will be an analysis of older WT publications.

    Personally I don't know if it is such a good idea. Why fill your head with all that tripe, old or new?

    Much better to have a blog with what you find in the bible and what it means to you IMHO.

    Anyhow, if the Lord is for it then who am I to argue?

    Blessings in Christ,


  • mamalove

    Dan, I dont even remember what website I stored it on! Isn't that bad?! Any idea how I find that out?

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