You can rent board space on those billboard trucks for a lot cheaper than an actual billboard sign. Should be in your local phone book, shouldn't be too hard to get a quote.
by Gayle 48 Replies latest jw friends
You can rent board space on those billboard trucks for a lot cheaper than an actual billboard sign. Should be in your local phone book, shouldn't be too hard to get a quote.
Some of the other banners being displayed there are:
"JWs cross the road to avoid greeting ex-JWs"
"A JW cannot talk to an ex-JW"
"JWs: When entering, they're all smiles, when leaving they're all enemies"
-What should be the message for the US?
Here are some taglines
"Are you feeling old? 1969- Awake- " Face the fact that you will never grow old in this old system"
Ask your elders how many pedophiles are in your congregation.
New Watchtower Bible and tract society release- Sheperding the Flock of God.....get your copy today!
Are you tired of thinking? Don't think for yourself....Become one of jehovah's Witnesses. We will think for you!
One of my sisters moved to brazil for a few months to learn portugese so she can help out one of the portugese congregations in Ma. I wonder if she saw any of this?
Jehovah's Witnesses let children die rather than allow them a blood transfusion
Jehovah's Witnesses break up families by shunning former members
Jehovah's Witnesses secretly harbor pedophiles
There are a few main headlines. Maybe with some website links underneath them? I'm up for donating to the cause. If only I was already DFd I'd drive the truck!
Would love to see some of those around the U.S. Billboards around here cost anywhere from $400 to $800 per month. They cost a lot more when the economy is better but there are a lot of vacant ones now. I would put them on the big interstates.
Lets stop talking and do it, I am sure we donated plenty of money over the years to help the society's interest. Now lets further our interest, I will donate!!!!!!!!!!
On LED WITH SCROLLING MESSAGES: JW Children A!ert Blood Fraction Confusion Watchtower Flip-Flops Generation overlapping extension Others??? Maybe with some added balloons?!! (No scribbled messages that people can't see well anyway,,no yelling,,be Ex-JWs with 21st century class!! Have a few other fun ex-JWs around for support and picnic - could be fun!)
I will donate too. just tell me when and where.
"Are you feeling old? 1969- Awake- " Face the fact that you will never grow old in this old system"
This is gold!