"Read The Watchtower Every Day"
Brazilian Billboards having impact
by Gayle 48 Replies latest jw friends
TJ Curioso
DGP, the issue of disassociation is important, yes, because the question is how someone who surrender of a child is a personal matter, but when a religious institution that should promote love obliges its members to ostracize those who leave is an entirely different matter .
If the posters make reference to false prophecies, etc.. will not reach the ORG. because the public in general do not know the particular beliefs and history of Jehovah's Witnesses and do not care about them, and members also will not connect mostly because they prefer to believe that here is the truth. To create a movement of solidarity with the ex-witnesses to the general public, the best way is to show the hard face of this religious organization that behind a facade of love, promotes family breakdown and the division of people who, before friends and family become stripped of the most basic rights, even violating human rights.
TJ Curioso, let me say I very much agree with you in that the public in general does not know the particular beliefs and history of Jehovah's witnesses and do not care about them. I am an unbeliever and I learned whatever it is that I know because of a personal interest, and so I fully agree with you in this regard. But, being an unbeliever, and knowing to what extent the outside world does not know what is going on within the Scam, I am in the rare situation of insisting that most people won't know the difference between an organization telling you to shun your kids, say, and YOU shunning them. From outside, we'd think that "the shunner blames the organization, but s/he could actually do the right thing and leave, too, if necessary".
I also agree that you have to show the hard face of this religious organization and the facades. I just disagree as to HOW to achieve that. The shunning is a very important thing, yes, but it's not that important for the people outside. I insist: the people outside would think something like "well, they are certainly assholes as individuals; no one would force me to shun my son; if anyone asked me to, and I gave in, I would be the first to blame".
Silent Lambs is in a very good position to show the facade, for example. Another good point would be to show that there is a secret elder's manual. Informing people about the hypocrisy of "abstaining from blood" yet allowing "fractions" that cannot exist without worldlies donating their blood. Et cetera.
This is from an email from Sebastion Ramos. Again, his language is Portuguese. I still don't know his process in translation yet. So you will see some is still hard to understand exactly. He requests me to put his comments on this site again and he has found your comments encouraging.
Thank you for posting my commentary on important vehicle sue. Still a third comment about why we have been supported in Ceara in favor of religious freedom and has disassociation. We live in a time in the world, who do not tolerate discrimination, prejudice, religious intolerance. These ingredients have been the flagship of the success of our campaign. Remember that the WTS has taught us that we should get out of Babylon the Great, to avoid being hit by her plagues? Yeah, well, friends, those inside the halls of the kingdom need to wake up to a new reality, the new era which we live. We do have, which denounces disassociation, relentlessly until the bigwigs of betel feel on their skin, rejection of society are feeling in Fortaleza - Ceará. Moreover, in our favor temomos Constitutional Law, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its Article XVIII, which provides us follow the religion that we want, of course, without suffering social ostracism. If you want to publish this comment appreciate it more ... Hugs. Sebastian Ramos
Gayle, ask him to post his Portuguese on this forum and I'll translate it.
Jehovahs Witnesses Promised
Millions now living will never die
They are all dead!
http://extestemunhasdejeova.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=6557 Dear Friend, Good day! If you have configured the special appeal of the Ombudsman to STJ - Superior Court of the State of Ceará Court against the decision of the ECJ. I think the same should translate their content for Google, posted on the Forum ex Jehovah's Witnesses as you can see your application in full, following comments from lawyers and avatar. This case can be another milestone in the history of our country and a referncial for the whole world. I await contact Sebastian Ramos *********************************************************** dgp, you have a PM
Moreover, in our favor temomos Constitutional Law, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its Article XVIII, which provides us follow the religion that we want, of course, without suffering social ostracism.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 18.
• Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Article 20.
• (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
• (2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association. -
A billboard that says: