Scriptures out of context

by Lady Lee 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BurnTheShips
    Kinda makes one wonder about the people who think this is honorable scholarship.

  • Heaven

    The WTS blood policy is a prime example of this. I think when scripture overrides anything life saving then there is something seriously wrong with them and/or the people using them.

  • james_woods
    The WTS blood policy is a prime example of this. I think when scripture overrides anything life saving then there is something seriously wrong with them and/or the people using them.

    It is - nobody in bible days had the slightest notion of blood transfusions, organ transplants, dialysis, or anything of the sort. Another great travesty of this nature is the hodge-podge of different dates, verses, and imagination that they use to come up with the 1914 date - again, the rank & file could not even tell you the so-called "logic" behind 1914. They just take the date on faith because it said so in the watchtower and most of them think that the date was a prophecy that WW1 would start that year - not that it meant the end of the world. Then, too, there is the proclamation on smoking or growing tobacco - based, of all things, on verses that really refer to the occult.

  • believingxjw

    Next time you debate with a Christian ask about the out of context quotes in the NT. Should be interesting to read their response.

  • transhuman68

    Yep, it's total madness. I remember at the Watchtower study, if you actually looked up the Scriptures quoted, you'd be turning pages like a madman, and racing from one end of the Bible to the other, while understanding none of it.

  • fulltimestudent

    quoting 'believing XJW'.

    I agree Lady Lee, but then the NT itself does the same. It takes quotes from the OT and applies them to the Christ but the context of those quotes do not always apply directly to the Christ. So, I suppose, JWs and Bible Students and other Christian faiths have some support for using the same practice.

    end of quote

    Absolutely. And as you get into early Christian writings the OT quotations and applications can be rather funny. I do not see that xjws can be critical of the WTS for this practise, without being critical of the entire bible and the entire chrstian faith.

    Paul for example, picks up OT texts and asserts applications to Christianity.

  • GOrwell

    Unforunately for the WTS, Paul was inspired to pull those quotes and apply them as such; the WTS is not inspired.

  • Ding

    The WTS out-of-context list is long indeed and not just on minor points.

    Included are: Jesus-as-Michael, Ecclesiastes 9:5 (and other doctrines taken from Ecclesiastes without considering the context of the entire book), "faithful and discreet slave," 1914 chronology, the name "Jehovah's Witnesses," the "anointed" and "other sheep", Israel as the WTBTS, "eating blood" as meaning "blood transfusions...", "apostates" as people who disagree with anything the WTBTS teaches as "present truth," light getting brighter and brighter...

    Just think of all the things you felt foolish trying to explain to a study as you hopscotched the Bible to prove something.

    Think of some of the convoluted explanations the Watchtower came up with to explain away troublesome passages.

    It reminds me of the old joke that the King James Version Bible encourages suicide:

    -- "Judas went out and hanged himself." (Matthew 27:5)

    -- "Go thou and do likewise." (Luke 10:37)

    -- "What thou doest, do quickly," (John 13:27)

  • bottleofwater

    Did anyone ever send the WTBTS a letter about these verses being used wrongly out of context? It would be nice to hear back a response.

  • Chalam

    Welcome fulltimestudent!

    I agree Lady Lee, but then the NT itself does the same. It takes quotes from the OT and applies them to the Christ but the context of those quotes do not always apply directly to the Christ.

    Everything that is written of Yahweh in the OT applies directly to Christ John 1:1, Hebrews 1:3, Colossians 1:19, Colossians 2:9, Matthew 1:23

    See here for example;Isa7:14;9:6;50:6;52:13%E2%80%9353:12;61:1;Jer23:5,6;Dan7:13,14;9:24-27;Mic5:2;Zech6:12;9:9;12:10;13:7;Luke24:27;Acts13:27&version=ESV

    The WT is included here amongst those who distort scripture.

    2 Peter 3:16 (New International Version)

    16 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.

    Blessings in Christ,


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