I've Just Figured Out the Appeal of Sarah Palin!!

by AGuest 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bonnie_Clyde
    But she certainly had something somewhere (blinders, maybe?)... when her little girl felt the need to go playin' "grownup." (See, there's always a reason for that... that starts at home. Not that I'm knockin' that, either).

    And this was first little girl that ever did anything like this? If Sarah Palin had been male, would it even have been an issue? I have to agree, women can be catty.

  • DaCheech

    a womans voice can be sexy........... I used to be obsessed (not psycho) with robin meade.

  • DaCheech

    on the other hand:

    jayne velez-mitchell and nancy grace would make me limp

  • CandleLight

    My husband enjoys watching Sarah Palin.. but only on mute.


  • journey-on
    Ummmmmm... I was really trying to be complimentary, dear JO... with a little of "my" brand of humor. That really is it and all. I'm not judging Ms. Palin. I don't even know her. I just happened to catch her in a "victory" speech and noticed she dropped her "g's", is all... and did a kind of "Jay Leno" schtick. No offense intended.

    Of course, you were being judgemental. You absolutely were NOT trying to be complimentary. Go back and read your post, dear Shelby, with an humble (and honest) eye. You are cloaking the criticism and in my view crass judgement with "wink-wink" humor. Some people might buy it. I don't. But, hey! We all do that sometimes. It's only human. Lots of people don't get Sarah's humor either.

    You know I love 'ya (note the corn pone use of "you"), but when you are obviously condescending and you attempt to cloak it with "I'm not judging Ms. Palin......No offense intended.....yadda yadda yadda"..................Well, it just doesn't fly. If you think I'm wrong, I suggest you openly and honestly take it to your Lord and ask if perhaps you aren't being just a bit dishonest here. No offense intended, my dear Shel.

  • sd-7

    Actually, when I first heard her talk, I honestly didn't think people talked like that anymore, with that sort of...down-home kind of thing. I think I pretty much lost respect for her as a candidate when I saw her wink at the camera during the vice presidential debate. I mean, the future of an entire nation could be riding on you, and you're winking at me? You're going to be safe from the problems that may come in the future, more than likely, I'm not. Take me seriously, and I'll take you seriously.

    But then, I still have yet to vote for anyone, ever, so who am I to talk? I don't know. Still, I do like the idea of someone who seems human and has an actual family that doesn't look cookie-cutter perfect, you know? That doesn't necessarily mean much in terms of your worth as a leader, but....I honestly believe she would have a real shot at being President in 2012, simply because times have caused people to shift drastically to the right and if she gets nominated as the candidate, it is very likely she will win, in my opinion. Not for any logical reason, just because. I would still be happy to see the first woman President, which I admit I was hoping for because of Hilary anyway, but...I'm not exactly well-informed on politics. I tend to go with cause and effect when it comes to what happens when someone is in office.

    Effect: Economy sucks.

    Cause: President inherited sucky economy and clearly cannot fix it in 2 years' time.

    Effect: Republicans win again in 2012.

    Cause: President still won't fix economy and has no way to win the public's support or trust again.

    Effect: Mayans were right about 2012.

    Cause: Sarah Palin in 2012. They saw it coming. Its very occurrence will trigger catastrophic climate change and shifting of the tectonic plates, along with mass husband killings in the ultimate apocalyptic bloodbath henceforth known as the Roar of the Women. A few hundred thousand men, safely preserved in concentration camps, will provide the genetic material to continue the human race. Unfortunately, this will also result in lower genetic resistance to a new supervirus spawned from the 0.1% of bacteria that survived all that hand sanitizer and Clorox wiping. So...end of world.

    Effect: Momentary derailing of thread.

    Cause: Conspiracy nut commenting.


  • EnlightenedMind

    If Sarah Palin had been a male, would it have even been an issue?

    It absolutely would have been if his candidacy was all about family values and abstinence only B.S.! Sarah Palin disgusts me, and it has nothing to do with being catty. The woman winked at the friggin' camera during a debate!! You think a man could have gotten away with that? How women can continue to support her is beyond me. I've worked my behind off to get where I've gotten in life, and here she is vying for the second highest position in the world with winks and smiles and faux folksiness, then turning around and complaining about sexism. Gimme a break, woman!

  • miseryloveselders

    LOL, Dang SD, is it raining where you're at? IF not, imagine the sun is shining.

  • sd-7

    Sure, misery, the sun may be shining now, but in 4,999,997,990 A.D. it's going to go nova, and then who's going to be laughing? Nobody. I'm just having a moment, is all.

    At least someone else noticed Sarah Palin winking at the camera. I especially don't like when a candidate dodges important questions asked of her during a debate, questions that do genuinely concern people and will affect their futures. She just launched a dozen red herrings instead of answering the questions. Politicians are good at avoiding just saying "Yes" or "No" or "Dude, I'll fix it by doing x, y, and z." But at least TRY to respond meaningfully. I can't imagine her surviving a direct debate with an Obama who has had four years as President under his belt. She has probably become the female version of Dan Quayle here. But since she's dang adorable, what does that matter, right?

    So...enough out of me on that.


  • snowbird
    She has probably become the female version of Dan Quayle here. But since she's dang adorable, what does that matter, right?

    You betcha!


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