And this was first little girl that ever did anything like this?
Absolutely not, dear BC (peace to you!). I truly did not mean to judge. I thought it was funny... and appropos, given what folks tend to hang their votes on ("someone like me"). I added the part about Ms. Bristol because I think "charity" and service... starts at home.
If Sarah Palin had been male, would it even have been an issue?
Oh, you BETCHA'! See, ANOTHER truth... is that thus things, when there IS a father in the home, have as much to do with HIM... and sometimes MORE... than with Mommy. So, if, say, Mr. Obama's... or Bush's... of Clinton's... daughter(s) had a similar situation I would have made the same comment. Truly, I don't discriminate between people who emotionally neglect their children.
Now, do I believe Ms. Palin isn't "fit" to be President? Where in the WORLD did I state THAT??? Indeed, I think a woman who may be somewhat emotionally disconnected might be the BEST kind of woman for the job. I could be wrong, of course. But I say that because when it comes down to her daughter's breakdown as a result of some failed "love"... and the breakdown of discussions between, say, Israel and Hamas... it would seem to ME that the latter breakdown would... SHOULD... take precedence.
But, heck, Mr. Obama has the same responsibility to be "there" for his daughters, as well. Even MORE so, IMHO. I mean, he is, after all... "first father," too. Right? And if I had caught him dropping his "g"s to be cool... I would have posted the same thing. And if one of his daughter's had the same situation as Ms. Palin's I would have included that as an aside, as well.
I have to agree, women can be catty.
We can, dear one... but truly, I wasn't (peace to you, dear JO!). If anything, my point was while being cool is great! yes... sometimes a parent can be TOO cool... which can lead to things getting a little out of hand at home. And maybe that's what happened here. Ms. Palin's POLITICS... were never at issue.
I am a professional woman, mother, and wife. I get how hard it is to be "all things" in this manner. I don't think anyone, however... husband OR wife... Palin or Obama... or Oprah or Mick Jagger... should sacrifice their children for their own political (or other) aspirations. It is, IMHO, immoral. But this really wasn't about that, at all. And if some found themselves taking issue with that, I apologize. But I did state that if you were inclined to take offense... you really shouldn't.
Again, peace to you!
SA, on her own...