Eggnog says -
I know you mean well, but you sound like an illiterate to me. "Well what CAN ONE expect from A religion that thwarts lies of fearful provocation to DRAW people toward them....? What does "thwarts lies of fearful provocation" mean exactly? You are off topic, too.
Obviously this is about the imminently destructive Armageddon that the WTS has been selling to the public for over a century in their books and
magazines. Instilled a frame work of fear into people's consciousness goes a long way in putting people under controlling submissiveness.
A disingenuous formula of cultivating power for the WTS leaders. Fear is the most prominent controlling catalyst that holds this organization
together, at the same time subduing peoples critical thinking abilities and their intellectual self expression.
An orchestrated arrangement of master and slave has been devised, where the master (the self proclaimed FDSL /GB) has all the controlling
power over the lower weaker spirtual ones.
You know all about this scaled pyramid power structure of the WTS organization don't you Eggnog ?
Organized religion is always about power and money sometimes one over rides the other.