Ty Sab...
Of course it was also soooo many other issues, the fact that my husbands (3rd gen JW) grandfather who was at bethal new and talked to the judge regularly (privatley said he was a bit of an ass) was kicked out for marrying, looked down upon for haveing one child, sold his house in 75 gave most of the $ to the WTBTS bought a truck camper and a piece of crap piece of land in the dessert to go and wait and preach till the New System came. He is Dead, he died 3 years ago thankfully he couldnt remember how much he gave and wasted, however his lovely wife well into her 80s now is sad and angry, but still faithful....she is a mummering. We are outraged for her - for this families wasted lives. The pain of Dissfellowshiping for generations - the horrible decisions of how to care for her when no one takes care of their finances.
So maybe with that background we were more senitive to the gen bull crap. Like many others i fell the young gen does even care about the doctrine, or the past, or old people in general. They might not care as much?!
new darkness - great!