Where's Scholar?
Generation Teaching - Everyone is speechless?
by Red Piller 443 Replies latest jw friends
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
GN: "Where's Scholar?"
Measuring the pyramid. I think he's going to be coming with nulite on Russell's pyramidology. Newly discovered ancient "pyramid-centimeters" will point to 2028 for the big A.
Newly discovered ancient "pyramid-centimeters" will point to 2028 for the big A.
Yeah, I guess that nulite the Society came out with in 2010 on generations and 1914 is a bit of a stretch (pun intended).
It has to be honestly accepted that making or creating dates whether they are scriptural or not goes a long in drawing attention to
published merchandise. This is what the WTS (house of charlatans ) has done since its earliest inception.
If people want to immerse themselves with spiritual truths, they best not look or listen to charlatans and their contents
of their books and magazines, DVDs ......etc.
The WTS has always been a fraud orchestrated by devious salesmen or corrupt lawyers who saw the power,
money and control of the WTS for what it is.
so why should we be fussy about dates and quibble ?
Good question... Why be fussy about stupid old dates. Let's forget 607/587.
I tell ya what... let's go back to the original subject matter. Now there's a subject with references and is recent enough that we don't have to rely on ancient manuscripts and ramblings of scholars and pseodo-scholars.
The generation that saw 1914 will not pass away. Simple, direct and to the point. And ... it's been proven false. And ... the WTS has now created over-lapping generations as their rallying cry to prop up this silly nonsensical fantasy. The 50 year teaching...the 50 year dream...of never dying...of living forever as believed by countless JWs died a slow wimpering death in just a couple of paragraphs of a WT magazine. And with it any credibility the WTS managed to hang on to all those years should have died as well. Anyone hanging on to their stupid teachings after being shown the truth of the matter is ignorant and delusional and not worth arguing with anymore.
Why do they defend the indefensible?
Where's Scholar?
Personally, I think he got a clue and reallized, despite his defense of 607, that he can't defend the WTS for their generation stupidity and he's regained his senses and is working his way through the early stages of fading from the organization. Of course, his ego won't let him come here and take his lumps, so he'll join back up under another name.
djeggnog said to my post about dozens of wt false dates prophecies this
I'd rather call you out now. Please explain your point about the blasphemy of which you speak. You shouted a lot of things to me, but I'm not moved by any of it. You accuse Jehovah's Witnesses of lying through our literature, through the Watchtower magazine, and if you cannot prove this allegation, then that would make you a liar. I don't need any history lesson; I am quite familiar with the history of Jehovah's Witnesses before we came to be called Jehovah's Witnesses, and with its modern day history since 1935. But please explain to me how Jehovah's Witnesses have either blasphemed God's name or His holy spirit. If you should be unable to do so, then this failure on your part will prove that you are a liar, and who your father is not. (John 8:44) Do I really need to address you? calling me a liar? all the dates I posted and more are fOUnd in WTS PUBLICATIONS. I shouted a lot of false wts dates that you didn't answer. so you call me a liar? Every one of the dates I posted are BLASPHEMY printed by your god in Brooklyn in the name of jehovah jesus and the holy sprit. deny that????? you want proof> simple work for me . the wts nov. 1955 said " jehovah told Judge rutherFraud to preach " MILLION NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE " in 1918 etc. if you read "MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE " or read any of the 1919 -1924 wts or GOLDEN AGE MAGS you would know that RUTHERfRAUD was teaching the world was going to end in 1925. HENCE THE WTS WAS LYING 35 LATER ABOUT THEY KNEW WAS FALSE PROPHECY IN THE NAME OF JEHOVAH simple REASONING iT DON'T EVEN TAKE MORE THAT A GRADE SCHOOL EDUCATION TO SEE THIS IS JUST COMMON SENSE. DJ EGGNOG YOU NEVER ADRESSED THE 1874-1914 GENATERATION 40 YEARS THAT WERE GOING TO BE THE END OF THE WORLD????????????? WAS THAT LIGHT FROM JEHOVAH ? OR BLASPHEMY??? READ "STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES VOL 2 THE "TIME IS AT HAND" PG 76,77 101 . AND TELL ME IF WHAT THE WTS TAUGHT ABOUT THE WORLD ENDING IN 1914 WAS TRUTH?????????????? AT THE SAME TIME THE WT STILL TODAY SAYS RUSSELL WAS TEACHING TRUTH 100 AND 30 YEARS AGO YOU WANT ME TO LOOK THAT UP FOR YOU ALSO???? YOU CAN'T LIE TO ME. NEXT TIME WE TALK i'LL MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE A DOPE ON HOW THE WTS SAID " SATAN CREATED ALUMIMUN, PASTURIZED MILK, JEHOVAH LIVES ON THE STAR ALCYONE, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS GRAVITY, VACCANATIONS FOR BABIES IS FILTH FROM SATAN , HOW THE WTS SAID ANY THINKING PERSON WOULD "RATHER HAVE SMALL POX , MUMPS, ETC THAN HAVING A VACCANATION. KEEP CALLING ME A LIAR. ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE OR THE WTS WILL PROVE ME RIGHT EVERY TIME. YES DJ EGGNOG YOU NEED A WTS HISTORY LESSON. AND TRUST ME I DIDN'T EVEN GET STARTED WITH YOU ON YOUT IGNORANCE OF THE WT. CAOME BACK WHEN YOU HAVE A LEG TO STAND ON... I'M NOT FOOLED BY YOUT NONSENSE... AND YES I'M SHOUTING AT YOU
djeggnog said to my post about dozens of wt false dates prophecies this
I'd rather call you out now. Please explain your point about the blasphemy of which you speak. You shouted a lot of things to me, but I'm not moved by any of it. You accuse Jehovah's Witnesses of lying through our literature, through the Watchtower magazine, and if you cannot prove this allegation, then that would make you a liar. I don't need any history lesson; I am quite familiar with the history of Jehovah's Witnesses before we came to be called Jehovah's Witnesses, and with its modern day history since 1935. But please explain to me how Jehovah's Witnesses have either blasphemed God's name or His holy spirit. If you should be unable to do so, then this failure on your part will prove that you are a liar, and who your father is not. (John 8:44) Do I really need to address you? calling me a liar? all the dates I posted and more are fOUnd in WTS PUBLICATIONS. I shouted a lot of false wts dates that you didn't answer. so you call me a liar? Every one of the dates I posted are BLASPHEMY printed by your god in Brooklyn in the name of jehovah jesus and the holy sprit. deny that????? you want proof> simple work for me . the wts nov. 1955 said " jehovah told Judge rutherFraud to preach " MILLION NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE " in 1918 etc. if you read "MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE " or read any of the 1919 -1924 wts or GOLDEN AGE MAGS you would know that RUTHERfRAUD was teaching the world was going to end in 1925. HENCE THE WTS WAS LYING 35 LATER ABOUT THEY KNEW WAS FALSE PROPHECY IN THE NAME OF JEHOVAH simple REASONING iT DON'T EVEN TAKE MORE THAT A GRADE SCHOOL EDUCATION TO SEE THIS IS JUST COMMON SENSE. DJ EGGNOG YOU NEVER ADRESSED THE 1874-1914 GENATERATION 40 YEARS THAT WERE GOING TO BE THE END OF THE WORLD????????????? WAS THAT LIGHT FROM JEHOVAH ? OR BLASPHEMY??? READ "STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES VOL 2 THE "TIME IS AT HAND" PG 76,77 101 . AND TELL ME IF WHAT THE WTS TAUGHT ABOUT THE WORLD ENDING IN 1914 WAS TRUTH?????????????? AT THE SAME TIME THE WT STILL TODAY SAYS RUSSELL WAS TEACHING TRUTH 100 AND 30 YEARS AGO YOU WANT ME TO LOOK THAT UP FOR YOU ALSO???? YOU CAN'T LIE TO ME. NEXT TIME WE TALK i'LL MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE A DOPE ON HOW THE WTS SAID " SATAN CREATED ALUMIMUN, PASTURIZED MILK, JEHOVAH LIVES ON THE STAR ALCYONE, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS GRAVITY, VACCANATIONS FOR BABIES IS FILTH FROM SATAN , HOW THE WTS SAID ANY THINKING PERSON WOULD "RATHER HAVE SMALL POX , MUMPS, ETC THAN HAVING A VACCANATION. KEEP CALLING ME A LIAR. ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE OR THE WTS WILL PROVE ME RIGHT EVERY TIME. YES DJ EGGNOG YOU NEED A WTS HISTORY LESSON. AND TRUST ME I DIDN'T EVEN GET STARTED WITH YOU ON YOUT IGNORANCE OF THE WT. CAOME BACK WHEN YOU HAVE A LEG TO STAND ON... I'M NOT FOOLED BY YOUT NONSENSE... AND YES I'M SHOUTING AT YOU
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DJ EGGNOG IN THE WT JAN 1996 THEY CLAIMED THAT WHAT WAS PRINTED IN THE "GOLDEN AGE" MAG THE AWAKE TODAY WAS INCONTRAVIRABLE FACTShttp://www.seanet.com/~raines/articles.html TELL ME ANY OF THIS $HIT IS STILL TRUTH... HERE'S ANOTHER WT TRUTH YOUR WILL DIE DEFENDING. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/scandals/115448/1/Golden-Age-Goodies. HAppy trails djeggnog don't forget the RUM...................