Former Jehovah's Witness, pioneer and Bethelite woman is disgusted over how much money her parents gave to the Watchtower org., over 160 gorgeous acres of land in upstate New York. One of the Watchtower farms buildings was built on a portion of this land. She will be telling her whole story and how her life was adversely affected by the "evils of the Watchtower org". You are invited in to tonights Six Screens of the Watchtower conference call, Saturday, Nov. 6 at 7p.m.EST. It's easy to get on the call, just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. The lines open at 6:30 EST. So come in early and talk with all of those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower".
Disgusted over what her parents gave the Watchtower org.!
by koolaid-man 17 Replies latest jw friends
It is no surprise how man KHs were built on donated land either. The elders and COs were not above identiying who had a suitable pice of property and strong arming some elderly JWs into donating to the WT.
The anti-Jehovah’s Witness campaign you’re advertising accepts donations. If anyone made a sizeable donation to six-screens, it wouldn’t even be mentioned.
The glue that holds the organization together wasn't godly or spiritual, becoming transparently obvious that the Watchtower Society's key to locking in members is the undeniable form of mind control.I’ve conversed with many individuals that are Jehovah’s Witnesses and read their literature. This statement is deniable and simply not true. That's not who they are. Organizations like Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t suffer damage or collapse from opposers on the outside, they deteriorate from within. What holds the organazation together is much more genuine than the above propaganda. The fact that that campaigns such as this one can't clearly identify an organization that is godly or spiritual means they haven't established any truth elsewhere and they're profoundly self-destructive. There's a good reason to kick these types of people out of the organization. Why can't they just move on? It's them that are imprisoned and it's stir-crazy to picket like the Westboro Baptist Church unless they're a religious hate group. Unlike Jehovah's Witnesses, that's who the people that run this campaign are.
Rick; i hope your going to running your call on Pal Talk it makes it so much easier to listen to.
As someone who was raised in the wt organization, a 3rd generation jw, I don't think you have any idea about the damage the wt does to individuals and families.
Conversing with a few jws and reading thier literature doesn't expose you to the reality of the situation....nor does it qualify you to judge in any way. Many on this board have lost thier entire families due to wt shunning policy. Some, like myself have lost loved ones who died due to wt teachings. Many have deep problems in moving on with thier lives after the wt. This is not a hate group here...but it is a safe place for those who have suffered such grieve and express thier feelings with those who understand. Just move on, you say? Obiously, you have not experienced such a loss, nor do you know the wt for what it is. Exposing the wt helps prevent more people from becoming its victims.
If you really want to understand, go to the best of section on this board. Read about the history of the wt and the stories of countless xjws who have suffered at the hands of the wt. Until then, you don't have a clue.
Coffee Black is absolutely right. The WT is a heavy handed, strictly authoritarian organization who's rules must be obayed no matter what. The individual counts for very little.
Most JWs I knew were decent people who have been lied to, manipulated and fooled by the leadership. Yes, there were jerks too. It's noticable that the higher up people rise in the organization the more they start to resemble their Brooklyn bosses.
All of us were conditioned to present only the "positive" face of the society to those on the outside. We believed it was what god himself wanted us to do.
The organization reminds me of the "Soup Nazi" on the Seinfeld show, if you question or speak out there's no paradise for you!
If you've never been a JW under this type of control you just don't fully understand.
It's vital that people see all aspects of this damaging cult. I'm grateful for the insights and experiences that others share. I've been helped and I hope we can all help others get out or stay out of this religion.
Much harm has been done by the WT, but I believe the tide is turning slowly. People don't seem to follow so well these days, and if I can help the rot set in and folks get out, that's a good thing in my view.
If I were to make a personal inquiry into this religious organization, my attention would be primary focused on not on their claims to represent a supreme being, but whether or not God played some active role in my life. If this teaching channel were not to lead to evidence of God in my life, I would simply wash my hands of it. People here dissect the literature published by this religion for any alleged mistakes, and if they find any perceived flaws, this is evidence that no one has to be mindful of the “slave class.” I guess this has something to do with why people here read their literature even though they're not Jehovah's Witnesses. This is flawed thinking. Even if the literature published by this religion met the mark of perfection and God didn't make any real difference in my life, I still wouldn't associate myself with the religion. Anyone who misses this fundamental concept and isn't in tune to reality should learn not to believe everything they read. As for any tragedy experienced associated with the religion, no need to convey it to me. Do as you please, but it's not in good taste to publicize some of the stories I've read here. Jehovah's Witnesses would have to demonstrate to me that they're all that bad. So far they haven't.
Definitely, giving anything to the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery Corporation is one....great....big....waste of resources. Just think of what else could have been done with the money: Bills could be paid, children could have been given something, it could have been donated to charity. Even the state would have been a better investment than this pedophile-protecting, life-ruining organization.
I can remember a similar, though far less drastic, waste of money I was forced to make. I found $200 in an air conditioner I bought from a witless, and the idiot told me to simply put the whole thing into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. One, or both, of us could have used the money to pay bills or get something nice, but it was thrown away. On a bigger scale, that is what happens when estates are willed to the Washtowel.
All the lovely comments. I guess this forum is just a canister for ppl to take a piss in here and there. It's becoming transparently obvious who isn't godly and spiritual.
Watchtowers Witnesses
The fact that that campaigns such as this one can't clearly identify an organization that is godly or spiritual means they haven't established any truth elsewhere and they're profoundly self-destructive.
Your Jehovah is showing Spade. If you want to continue to post under the guise that you're married to a recent "study" you need to word your posts more carefully. Or you can just be honest about who you are. So what's your real story Spade?