I decided not to state anymore information about myself after reading the things people say here. My username, avatar and whatever I say is all you need to know.
Disgusted over what her parents gave the Watchtower org.!
by koolaid-man 17 Replies latest jw friends
"Your Jehovah is showing Spade. If you want to continue to post under the guise that you're married to a recent "study" you need to word your posts more carefully. Or you can just be honest about who you are. So what's your real story Spade?"
Who here is married to a Jehovah's Witness? Who here regularly trashes their spouse's religion without destroying their marriage? That would be interesting to know. If only dysfunctional adults participate here, I'm not that. That may be why I come across as different.
Well the teeth showing on that avatar ,tells me what your wanting to do.Spade
BITE US!!!! It wont happen sweetie. I was in the WT 25 years. You cant hurt
us more than they did...By taking out families away from us. For teaching lies
Your named quite right DIG YOURSELF in the Watchtower. It is just for YOU!!!
MY blessings as you go door to door. Teach them the trash I taught,when I was under
mind control.... MOUTHY!!!!!
The SS (they should REALLY consider changing name) gives much information on various sujects, but they are driving along on the same mindtrack as the ones they left, if you ask me. I prefer sites that provide sound information to counter the lies presented by the Watchtower. It is easy enough if one dares to try examining the WTS cllaims. We should also tell our stories, which reveals the things that were silenced by the elders in the congregations.
Most of all, we must realize the images of fear induced by the Watchtower teaching, is just images placed in us with a purpose, namely to keep us in line.
Spade, good friend. If one kicks you in the groin, it is ok to get angry at the one who kicked you.
Afterwards you may even get angry at yourself for placing yourself in ta position, where he could kick you in the groin.
Like mushrooms? Carefull. Some are poisinous.
Actually, I just typed “spade” under Google image search and thought the picture looked neat. How do you associate your changing beliefs with mind control? Differing religious views have been around since the “crucifixion” and long before that. Mind control is a quasi-scientific concept suggested by some former religionists that for the most part describes their personal experiences and changing beliefs.
The same profound reverence to a specific doctrine that is experienced by the “flock” is likely experienced by the “shepherds.” People here seem to think the shepherds don't believe what they preach but use the information they publish as a means to control the flock. I don't go around pushing and shoving others about their personal beliefs. If you have family like that, learn to ignore them. People here that hate JWs I guess would hate any JW family members I have. I don't have anything nice to say to them. I hope I don't meet them in person. -
But I hope you become one!!!! I dont hate .I just cant believe you would stick up
for a group of old men who tell their children that if anyone doesnt believe all They
say....Shun them. They tell them we are evil. I lost my daughter ,grandchildren great grandchildren
I suggest you are a dyed in the wool follower of the Cult of JW's -
Spade, Spade Spade,... let me say as one of those so called "shepherds"... you are sort of missing the point..
Nobody is attacking individual JW's... it is ORGANIZATIONAL policy's.. as shepherds (and I use that very loosly) we simply follow what the org tells us to.. thus we are pawns in the bigger organizational game. and unfortuantily I have one even in my own hall who KNOWINGLY uses this info for control puposes... so it does happen even individualy, but by and large it is the ORG, in the big picture sense, that sets the controling policies.
but no one is saying as individuals all jw's are evil or bad.. far from it. Most on this board were at one time JW's and we think we were/are good people, before and after..
True, but who's "good" and who's "bad". I suggest it is not that simple. Rather we deal with images in which we place ourselves. A way to deal with our inner pain and frustrations. Like a deer who fleas at the present of humans. Why? It don't know if we will hurt them. No, but it instinctly fears us and fleas into percieved safety. So does we, and if we have not a real place to escape to, we escape to an imaginairy place.
The Watch Tower plays on those fears, keeping them alive and directs the sense of fear against leaving the Organisation. Images of fear, where "the world" is bad but "I" (or "we") are good are inserted. The congregation is told to be a "spiritual oasis" amidst a chaotic, troubled and doomed world.
We all have those fears inside us, to a more or less extend degree. What we need to realize is, that there exists organisations that use this to bind people into their bondage. Although a nice adventure and distraction, the delusions does not hold the answer. Rather they impose a "black'n'white" view on life where we are lured to deem ourselves "good" and the hurting world around us "bad". We need to shed that perception and realize we are generally dealing with people that are in the same boat as ourselves: People that are trying to live/survive as human beings.
So, I am not a "good" man. I am just a man.