Would you rather turn away from this questions?
Phrased in drunken English as they are, I am tempted to.
I will, however, "take a stab."
So God created humans and ... oh well we know the story, things didnt go as planned OOOPS!
#1 I think everything has gone as "planned." (yes the JWs are probably wrong on this one, surprised?)
Did you know that of every STAR on the firmament 1of 10 have planets. yeah like our sun has planets. And we have billions of stars, that means that out of millions of stars God had to have started life in other planets.
#2 When you can prove that there are beings like ourselves on other planets, then you will have a leg to stand on. As it is, you have nothing but a hypothetical situation. This point, therefore, is moot in the year 2010.
Did he created other Adams? did he started all over again or like a good scientist did he corrected his experiment with less room for error. Are we the first humans he created? according to the bible we are.
#3 See #2.
So did he created humans in other planets but this time HUMANS V2.0 with no SATAN 1.0?
Ditto. See #2. Additionally, Satan is supposed to be a spirit. If this is the case, then physical locality means nothing. The entire Universe is Satan's playground, under that set of circumstances.
Out of the millions of stars and planets do you really think God only picked 1 planet? with all his vast knowledge?
Even in your scenario of "many worlds, many sentient beings" there had to have been a first world to have harbored intelligent life of some form.
Google Fermi's Paradox.
I submit to you that if technologically intelligent life was common in the Universe, it would be as observationally obvious as my huge penis. However, my bulging tool is far more likely to screw you over hard than are little green men with anal probes.
We see nothing out there. Where the are they, for the love of Hugh G. Rection?
Might as well believe in God, man.