Did God made the human mistake once or many times?

by cyberjesus 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cyberjesus

    BTS: Well thank you sir for your response, I see that you no like my english? Maybe is because I just picked it up from the internet and from living here 14 years. And I dont see how that is factor on the argument but is ok I understand.

    #1 I think everything has gone as "planned." (yes the JWs are probably wrong on this one, surprised?)

    So are you saying that God did intended for adam and eve to sin and for the rest of us to inherit sin and to kill his son in sacrifice to make up for the sin of Adam although it was planned in the first place?

    #2 When you can prove that there are beings like ourselves on other planets, then you will have a leg to stand on. As it is, you have nothing but a hypothetical situation. This point, therefore, is moot in the year 2010

    ok, but is a fact that 1 out of 10 stars have planets. just like our solar system. is a fact that there is methanol in mars. is a fact that there are planets just recently discovered that have a desirable distance to their star for life to exist.

    Additionally, Satan is supposed to be a spirit. If this is the case, then physical locality means nothing. The entire Universe is Satan's playground, under that set of circumstances

    Hey wasnt satan and his demons supposed to be confined to earth? I dont think his playground was the entire universe...is this a hypotetical situation?

    I submit to you that if technologically intelligent life was common in the Universe, it would be as observationally obvious as my huge penis. However, my bulging tool is far more likely to screw you over hard than are little green men with anal probes.

    We see nothing out there. Where the are they, for the love of Hugh G. Rection?

    Might as well believe in God, man.

    Although the size of your penis might seem like a great argument I dont see the connection here.

    If there is life out there why would you assume that they are more technologically advanced? If according to the bible the creation started with this planet then if there is life out there they must be technologically less advanced hence why they havent been able to contact us. And we are just starting to reach out. but we are discovering things exponentially. that is a fact.

  • thetrueone

    By the way I've seen BTS's penis and the only thing that he could screw over hard would be a squirrel.

  • diamondiiz

    One can speculate similar idea with just earth alone. Maybe the 10,000+ old bones found on earth are of earlier Adams that God didn't like so had to destroy and make new "humans" until Adam came along. We can speculate that Adam was the first human that God liked and accepted but many other "prototypes" just didn't work out as He would like. Nowhere dies it say that God makes everything perfect on the first try :)

    Where there is no evidence, be it if there is a God or not, anything can become a possibility and any idea can appeal to certain groups who will defend it be it religious or not.

  • PSacramento

    Life evolved here the way it did because the conditions were right for THIS type of life.

    What God has planned for the rest of the universe is up to God.

    We have enough crap to deal with here.

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