Dealing with Shunners

by Hairy Harr 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • cornish

    Hairy Harr
    Hey ! That glazed over smile looking right thruogh you,thats the one they usually give me when shunning,always that same sickly wretched glazed self rightouse smile,and yes I have pionted out to friends that are with me when I am being shunned and the witoes dont like it,they dont like the world to see their sad policy at work.

  • Scully


    I do like your idea though. It would really get them going wouldn't it? What fun.

    I think they'll rush home so fast to wash all the 'apostate kooties' off them that they may get ticketed for speeding!!

    Love, Scully

    It is not persecution for an informed person
    to expose a certain religion as being false.
    - WT 11/15/63

    A religion that teaches lies cannot be true. -WT 12/1/91

  • freeman

    Have you ever been shunned by someone that was Dfed?

    I have. I’m not DF or DA, I even have Elder’s kids over my house all the time, however one Elder’s kid that got the boot refuses to return a greeting to me when I see him on the street.

    I guess he figures I’m not playing by the rules (you bet I'm not) but apparently he still is. This religion makes people do some really bizarre things; don’t you think?


  • LB

    Freeman I have been shunned by someone that was DFed, but, they were trying to get reinstated. So they were playing by the rules. Now if a person wasn't trying to get back in, well that would be just stupid to shun ya.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • David Gladden
    David Gladden

    Always a friendly face and greeting... that is what I do. I leave it to them to go on the offensive.

    I started doing this when I realized that it is THEM that have to stay away from me... not the other way around. The org is so arrogant that they think it is our responsibility to avoid them.

  • TR

    Hi Hairy.

    Enjoyed your post. Well done!

    When I see a 'hovah in a public place, I engage them in conversation. The 'hovah knows how stupid they'll look if they ignore me, so they are forced to converse with me. I have a giant smile on my face knowing that they know that I'm DA'd.


    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

  • outnfree

    OK, recently I screwed up my courage when I found that the available grocery store cashier was a sister from my old hall and went into her line anyway.

    So why was I GRATEFUL that she treated me like any other human being!?? (I was proud of her for that! )

    Yes, I was grateful and relieved that she treated me in a friendly way. But WHY should I be so damned grateful? Wasn't she just acting the way two people who had spent a great deal of time together (her son was my son's age) and run into each other WOULD react?

    THAT'S what tells me I still ain't over it. And I'm DA'd, too!


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • Mindchild

    Hey Hairy...right on!

    Now if it was me, I would have pulled out my paint ball gun and let loose a few rounds. Alternatively, maybe I would accidently--of course-- spill my coffee or whatever on the shunning prick and say, I'm sorry I didn't see you either! I would love to see if a dub would still ignore me then. lol


  • GoldDustWoman

    Hey Hairy,

    Good for you! See how completely embarrassed this ONE witness was when the policy of shunning is exposed to the public? The shame she felt was justified. I just wish it could be made common knowledge everywhere there are witnesses. People just have no idea how evil ,and insideous, an organization the WTS is.


    Closed minds always seem to be connected to open mouths

  • closer2fine

    'apostate cooties'



    Solid stone is just sand and water, baby
    Sand and water, and a million years gone by - beth nielsen chapman

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