Does this parable apply to organizations (i.e, churches or religious groups) or individuals (you or I)? I know the JWs say that they are the Wheat...but the application of this doesn't ring true... Any thoughts??
The Wheat and The Weeds
by dssynergy 20 Replies latest jw friends
It's best to just ignore anything the JW's say and pass it off as bull crap. You'll save yourself a lot of trouble that way.
It applies to individuals, dear dss (peace to you!). We have to wait until the "harvest" to know exactly who is who, but by their "fruit"
current JWs mostly SHOW themselves to be "weeds." Because, unlike wheat, which produced GOOD fruit, fruit which is good for bread and nourishes... they produce either inedible fruit or none at all. Which is common with weeds (which is why they ARE weeds).Again, I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,
So AGuest what do you do beyond what any other descent person does to be a wheat. You pray, sing hymms, evangelize, hold a job, are honest, what else.
Actually, 'weeds' ARE beneficial. They are all part of the natural order of things here on Earth. They supply food for the various species that live here, including humans. They also nurture the ground, giving needed nutrients to the soil and it's dwellers, assisting with aeration as well as the penetration of water into the soil.
Dandelion tea anyone?
Dandelion tea anyone?
Dandelion greens are quite edible by humans and are among the most nutritious leafy greens you can eat.
The parable applies to what ever you want it to.
It can be literal, symbolic, spiritual or just remain a mystery. It may be an inspired parable or just a plain old farmers ramblings. Have fun!
Dandelion tea anyone?
designs, that would be lovely! Also, some dandelion wine.
Dandelion greens are quite edible by humans and are among the most nutritious leafy greens you can eat.
NVL, very true. Rabbits love dandelions. Rabbit dung is an excellent source of nitrogen for the soil.
Another leafy green 'weed' that is quite edible is Lamb's Quarter. It is an excellent source of calcium and quite nice in a salad.
Its always nice to have a variety of herbs and seasonings growing in the garden. Easy to grow and you can just pluck a few leaves and mix them in a stew or make a tea. Around here Digitalis grows wild, the Native Tribes use to smoke it, I think you can see god with a few puffs