brotherdan WE are the ones that rejected Him...It's pitiful, really.
I never met him/her/it.
Your pity is appreciated.
by sabastious 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
brotherdan WE are the ones that rejected Him...It's pitiful, really.
I never met him/her/it.
Your pity is appreciated.
We rejected Him due to our inherent sin. We all die because we sin. So we are born condemned. So yes, Gladiator, WE rejected him. And my pity was not meant for you per say, but for those that decide to desrespect something that they don't understand.
And my pity was not meant for you per say, but for those that decide to desrespect something that they don't understand.
BD, that easily goes both ways. My pity is for those that devote their in servitude to a silent, untouchable invisible something they don't understand.
I understand God very well. And God does not change like scientific theory.God is not silent but directs with His Holy Spirit towards those that actually love him. He has acted in my life more than I can conceive. So the pity goes to those that have not given Him a chance and instead decide to reject Him because of a corrupt organization of men.
Oh geeze...opening up a can of something.
Do you respect the guys that built the building that you live in? Do you even know who they are?
But don't you realize that JWs would be sitting here saying the same thing about God's organization to you. How God's organization has helped them immeasurably and they pity that you have strayed and offended it. And the JW organization is tangible. Yes it has tangible flaws, that are ignored by its memebers, just (perhaps) as you are ignoring tangible flaws in your belief system.
To suggest it is fact that we were born with inherited sin from God is as absurd as suggesting that the faithful and discrete slave deserve our unwavering obedience. It is a belief that YOU have. Hindus feel moved by their god(s). Muslims feel moved by their prophet. JWs feel moved by their god and organization. Christians feel moved by Christ. You feel moved by a single all-powerful God. Its hard to believe that you would be judgemental of people with different beliefs as your own!
Do you respect the guys that built the building that you live in? Do you even know who they are?
WAY over simplified, dude... Doesn't even deserve consideration. The guys that built the building did not give me life and are the reason that I STAY alive. They did not bless me and help me in a course that leads away from sin.
I'm gonna get alot of flack for this...but...
Hindus are wrong. JWs are wrong. Atheists are wrong. Christians are right. In an open discussion this can be proved. It doesn't matter what one believes. When you examine the evidence, you must come to the conclusion that there is only 1 truth. And that is not Hindusim or JWs.
"Hindus are wrong. JWs are wrong. Atheists are wrong. Christians are right. In an open discussion this can be proved. It doesn't matter what one believes. When you examine the evidence, you must come to the conclusion that there is only 1 truth. And that is not Hindusim or JWs."
That's a very funny statement. Not worth more than a good laugh.
I'm glad I brightened you dark day, Satanus