So this is the thread that did him in?
Biblical Prophecies written BEFORE fulfillment
by brotherdan 64 Replies latest watchtower bible
I dunno, I hope not. From what he was saying tho it sounded more like he was referring to what was said in these threads:
Sadly, I think so.
This is it. It's his proof that christians are right and atheists, hindus and everybody else are wrong.
Honestly, I think that Dan was, and perhaps still is, completely convinced, that the Daniel example was overflowing with evidence proving the prophecies and thus Jesus, etc., etc. He didn't pick that out of the blue, but because, despite it's complexity, he felt it was ironclad.
The evidence against mounted and mounted and even his own ideas about "proof" (such as the Maccabees example) turned out to prove nothing and in fact, provide the opposite of what he thought they did.
This is not gloating, it's sadness that Dan was so invested in an idea that he left over it. I would rather have him here that not.
Possible, Leolia. Personally, I think it was a combination of all three plus historical comments he saw in other threads.
this is where it started and here is where he blew up
Sorry to hear Brotherdan spat his dummy out, I liked the threads he started.
Thanks to all who have contributed here, especially the stupendous Leolaia, this is something that worried me when i first doubted that the Bible was the word of God, how could it be from man and yet get such prophecies spot on.
Of course it is from man, and not one "prophecy", of the ilk of Daniel and Revelation, can be shown to be such.
Thanks again everyone, and if you read this Brotherdan, come back, open another account if you like, but your contribution was appreciated.
Doug Mason
I have sent you a pm
Lots more in Doug Mason's paper: