Thanks and Goodbye

by brotherdan 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious

    You have every right to leave, but I will voice my opinion on this matter.

    I don't agree with your decision to leave.

    I would venture to guess that your recent trials with the WT and what has come from that has put you into a highly emotional state. This is a very hard to state to live in, but I will say that the fact you are in this state speaks volume of your character.

    Many men in you position would find a way to turn away from the feelings toward your faith and your family. When we get backed into a corner a part of us (the survival part) wants to find the easiest route to escape. Problem is the easiest route to escape is almost always temporary and doesn't even come close to solving the route cause of the turmoil.

    Instead of leaving, I would suggest staying away from topics that will end up with people challenging your faith. That's a very vulnerable part of your right now and is easily provoked.

    This is an open public forum. Sometimes this forum can feel like one big group therapy. It is to a point, but it's not directed and humans are involved. It can get out of hand or it can just get really heated.

    Basically I just want to say that I think you wear your heart on your sleeve here and that's a good thing, but it has side effects.

    If you are leaving then I TRULY wish you the best. You have helped out a lot of this forum and you will be SORELY missed.


  • Gregor

    The sincerity of your farewell makes me feel strongly that there must be a miscommunication. I have had my rather terse comments here misunderstood, sometimes deliberately, many times. I have taken little ego cool off breaks. It all works out.

    If you really feel that coming here is more negative than positive, then you are smart to stay away. But I would hope you don't burn one of those little ego bridges permanently. We appreciate the diversity of comments you contribute and the opportunity to rag your ass!

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    I don't want to hear about God being a disgusting killer that approves of rape, child killing, and every other horrible thing that man has dreamt up.

    Then don't read the Old Testament. I'm just saying. This perception non-believers have of god isn't a fabrication. It's right there in black and white. I try to be respectful of all belief systems, so long as they aren't hurting me or anyone else. But it seems a bit disingenuous to take offense at such comments when they are derived from the same book in which you base your belief system on.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Sorry to hear this is becoming a bad experience for you, Dan. Some of us just take a break when it gets too heavy. Safety and comfort on your journey: if it brings you back to us, then we will welcome you with open arms and warm hearts.

  • ProdigalSon

    Brotherdan, I sure hope it wasn't anything I said... maybe what's going on at home right now is affecting how you feel about this place. And I really do feel for you, I've kinda been there. We have to take care of real life issues first before discussion forums, and I pray that you keep your family together and you all get out of the cult and live happily ever after.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Check your PMs Dan. Good luck with everything, bro!

  • cantleave

    Brodan, This great thing about this group is we have the freedom to state our view. Not everyone will agree with our views, but the disagreements are not personal attacks, just different ideas, expressed in a variety of ways.

    I think if you do leave this site will lose a real thinker and someone with great wit and humour.

    Take a break and come back when you are ready.

  • minimus

    I'm sorry to see you go.

  • garyneal

    Good luck Dan. I can understand how you feel about your faith being under attack. However, I do agree with keysor in that it does come from the Old Testament.

    Of course, that does not mean that you cannot still believe.

    Check your PM's, best of luck to you.

  • Lozhasleft

    I'm surprised to hear you saying this especially after the mountain of support you 've seems such a shame to throw the baby out with the bathwater so-to-speak....and you've been so very active on the forum. You must do whatever feels right for you, of course. I choose carefully which topics I open and which threads I engage in. I avoid ones which I think will just bring conflict for me.

    I wish you well in your future Dan...with your family and your life. Take care.

    Loz x

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