Matthew 10:29 Where is the line for remembering life forms that die.

by donny 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • donny

    I pitching this to the group because I am looking for a variety of responses to a question a co-worker has posed to me. Since I am agnostic, I know what my answer to him will be, but I'd like to hear others response.

    The question he brought up was in regards to Matthew 10:29 where it states that not even a sparrow dies without his knowledge. He asks "Where does God draw the line on this 'remeberance'. Does he remember everytime an insect, fish or snail dies? What about bacteria and viruses? When I gargle in the morning, is God aware that millions of germs just perished?"

    What say you?

  • Satanus

    Anything that had/has spirit/soul in it. Or, do you believe that only humans have that?


  • donny

    What dictates that an living entity has spirit/soul?

  • Finally-Free
    When I gargle in the morning, is God aware that millions of germs just perished?"



  • elderelite

    I'd also like to throw another concideration in the ring on this.. if every sparrow is remembered, and it is implied that it is remembered fondly.. then what about the hawk that kills the sparow? is it remembered fondly, or viewed well, because it caused that sparrow to fall..even though it was simply doing what the creator designed it to do? If the hawk is ok killing the sparow, then does that devaule the sparow in God's eyes? is the sparow simply food?if so why give it a soul? Lots to think on...

  • BurnTheShips
    What say you?

    I think this is taking an example used for didactic purposes way too far.

    Still, if God is omniscient, then he is omniscient, no?


  • jwfacts

    If the sparrow is remembered, does that mean it gets a resurrection? IF not, what is the point of his being remembered?

  • Satanus

    "What dictates that an living entity has spirit/soul?"

    The same thing as w us humans, only less. What dictates that we do?


  • Satanus


    All living things die, whether of disease, old age, starvation or being eaten. It's the nature of the universe. However, in my view, most likely everything is recycled, including the spirit of the sparrow, as another sparrow. The idea also includes that it consents to the process, in order to experience more sparrow life, perhaps for the joy of flying, who knows. It carries on on that level, until it has developed sufficiently to incarnate in a higher animal form. That's my theory.


  • donny

    BTS: I think this is taking an example used for didactic purposes way too far. Still, if God is omniscient, then he is omniscient, no?

    That may be true, but he does want to know how low on the life form scale does God "remember" ?

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