Matthew 10:29 Where is the line for remembering life forms that die.

by donny 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ProdigalSon

    Consciousness is energy, and energy cannot be destroyed, it can only change states. This energy comes from the Creator and is constantly evolving. In Masonry, Kabbalah, Buddhism, Hinduism and other metaphysical sciences, all life forms are separated into four kingdoms: Mineral, Plant, Animal, and Human. There is a progression of souls through these Kingdoms that the Hindus and Buddhists called the "Wheel of Samsara". There is a point at the top or apex where one can get off the wheel, escape the suffering of cyclic existence, and enter "Eden", the state or Nirvana. ("Go in through the narrow gate".)

    As an example of how it works, when an animal is in the wild, its soul is not reincarnated, it is dissolved and fragmented before it is redistributed into its particular soul group. Animals that are pets and develop relationships with humans evolve more through their experience and may come back in a similar body with a similar personality, and maybe even something in the eyes that heartbroken owners who lost their pets could see in a new puppy or kitten.

    I understand that some are bewildered by my comments.... metaphysics is not for everybody.... for some, nothing exists beyond what can be perceived, and thats ok. But isn't it revealing how all these eastern religions and mystical sciences are all in agreement in revealing deeper spiritual things, while Christianity and the Western world is mired in its literalism and its inability to think in the abstract.


  • james_woods

    Isn't Christianity also an Eastern religion?

  • ProdigalSon

    Interesting question, james. These things can also be found in Christianity and even within the pages of the Bible, once we can spot the terminology. What I've found is that the earliest Christians and church fathers taught and believed these concepts, but then the Roman Empire eventually wiped out every trace of it, for obvious reasons. The truth destroys the business of inherited sin and salvation.


  • jaguarbass

    This is my answer it has nothing to do with Jehovahs witnesses and it cant be proven. But it is how I make sense of

    the experience we are all having and what's going on on earth.

    We are all God. We are all conciousness.

    Everything here is a probe from the God state. Gods having material experiences.

    In the God state it is like the Garden of Eden.

    When we eat the fruit of knowledge of good and bad we get the knowledge and become material,

    a probe from God.

    We live out our life whether animal, insect, bird, reptile, etc we get the knowledge of good and bad,

    the yin and the yang the knowledge is recorded and we return to the God whole, paradise until

    we get bored and antsy and decide to come back and do it again.

    Coming to earth is like a trip to Cedar point, Disney World, an amusment park.

    We dont get hurt but we may get the shxt scare out of us.

    I believe we are eternal and we come back in all the forms. Some rides are shorter and some are longer.

    Its what we do here and there.

    To answer your question everything is God, everything is remembered.

  • PSacramento
    The question he brought up was in regards to Matthew 10:29 where it states that not even a sparrow dies without his knowledge. He asks "Where does God draw the line on this 'remeberance'. Does he remember everytime an insect, fish or snail dies? What about bacteria and viruses? When I gargle in the morning, is God aware that millions of germs just perished?"
    What say you?

    We are all interconnected, in some ways directly but typically indirectly.

    God knows when a life is born and God knows when a life is ended.

    How? will, we are all made of the same "stuff", the veru fabric of the cosmos is in every living being, we exist, there for we are.

    And that "stuff" is the "stuff" of God.

    Is God aware of the innumerable events that happen every second of every second in the WHOLE universe?

    Yes, to what extent I do not know, it would depend on your definition of aware I guess.

    I mean we are "aware" of everything that goes on in our bodies, but HOW aware are we at every second of every second?

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    My understanding of this scripture from the WTS point of view is that Jehovah SEES even an insignificant sparrow fall so anything WE do will be of much greater importance to him. I don't think there is anything in the scripture to infer he continues to remember the event nor do animals have the resurrection hope.

    I remember this scripture being hammered into me as a child, JEHOVAH SEES EVERYTHING YOU DO! Plays havoc with your adolescence.


  • Chalam

    The question he brought up was in regards to Matthew 10:29 where it states that not even a sparrow dies without his knowledge. He asks "Where does God draw the line on this 'remeberance'. Does he remember everytime an insect, fish or snail dies? What about bacteria and viruses? When I gargle in the morning, is God aware that millions of germs just perished?"

    What say you?

    God is quite aware of all those things but He has more interesting things to think about.

    There is only one thing He chooses not to remember

    Isaiah 43:25 (English Standard Version)

    25 "I, I am he
    who blots out your transgressions for my own sake,
    and I will not remember your sins.

    Psalm 103:12-13 (English Standard Version)

    12 as far as the east is from the west,
    so far does he remove our transgressions from us.
    13 As a father shows compassion to his children,
    so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him.

    Blessings in Christ,


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