A Favor, Please??

by AGuest 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    Hey shelby, are you gonna lead us to some far off place and make us drink "KOOLAID" ?

    Anyhow, I think this person has FOLLOWED you around the board themselves otherwise

    how could they make those claims. Whoever suggested that is most definitly a follwer of yours.

  • bohm



    (This remind me of this video)

  • Lozhasleft

    I think you've just become an easy target Shelby....dont worry your sweet lil head about it ...

    Loz x

  • AGuest

    Thanks, all... and peace to you! I am inclined to agree with dear Wuz (that I AM being followed, at least here on the board)... otherwise, how would such one(s) even know WHAT I am posting? Interesting that they don't "see" that.

    But peace to you all... and... I'm good (meaning, "okay")!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • poppers

    I, for one, do not follow you. In fact, I follow nothing - no teaching, no holy book, no guru, no religion, no "enlightened" one or man-God, and I have no need for anyone to act on my behalf as a servant or slave of anyone else.

  • AGuest

    Ummmmm... 'Pops, dear (peace to you!)? I think you misunderstand: the post is to those who ARE following me, not those who aren't. So, like NVL... you're muddying up my "works" here by adding onerous comments that have absolutely nothing to do with the favor requested. So, now, see here... I've been waiting some time for all of my followers to step forth, but if people like you keep commenting, well, I don't think they're going to do that. So, please, if you will, go post your lack of following me on some other thread? 'Cause this one really is for those who ARE following me.

    And, again, to those who are... cease and desist immediately. Because I am NOT the one you should be following... and you know that.

    J/K... but not really as to my followers...

    A slave of Christ,


  • garyneal

    Jaheshua meshumeshua


    I remember you telling me sometime back that my whole problem is what other people think. You were right. That phrase really stands out in my mind. I am not sure if you indeed are having conversations with Jesus er, Jaheshua Meshumeshua, but you seem very sincere and thoughtful.

    God Bless You

  • booby
  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have to step in here and ask people to stay on topic. The only people who should post here are the ones that follow Shelby. If you want I can start a thread (or you can) that says "I don't follow Shelby" and then say why you don't follow her.

    I don't follow Shelby (just need to clarify cuz I am posting here against the express wishes of Shelby) and even if I ever did I would have to stop cuz she told us to stop. So just sayin "I don't"

  • thetrueone

    No I do not follow you, I follow King Outlaw the Almighty

    Besides your just a chick, everyone knows gods are not chicks

    Peace be with you.

    A slave of Outlaw .


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