Ummmmm... 'Pops, dear (peace to you!)? I think you misunderstand: the post is to those who ARE following me, not those who aren't. So, like NVL... you're muddying up my "works" here by adding onerous comments that have absolutely nothing to do with the favor requested. So, now, see here... I've been waiting some time for all of my followers to step forth, but if people like you keep commenting, well, I don't think they're going to do that. So, please, if you will, go post your lack of following me on some other thread? 'Cause this one really is for those who ARE following me.
And, again, to those who are... cease and desist immediately. Because I am NOT the one you should be following... and you know that.
J/K... but not really as to my followers...
A slave of Christ,