Thank you and glad to hear that, dear Pirata (peace to you!) and, oh my! what are you trying to do to us folks, that looks delicious! dear Cantleave (peace to you, as well!).
Peace to you all! Now... stop following this thread.
A slave of Christ,
by AGuest 46 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you and glad to hear that, dear Pirata (peace to you!) and, oh my! what are you trying to do to us folks, that looks delicious! dear Cantleave (peace to you, as well!).
Peace to you all! Now... stop following this thread.
A slave of Christ,
Now... stop following this thread.
Anyone who stops following this thread based on your directive would make them a follower, and as I've stated, I am not a follower of you. So if I choose to follow this thread it's willfully done on my part. Not being a follower of you allows me to do whatever I want - freedom is great.
Ummmm... yes, I see what you mean and I stand corrected, dear 'Pops (and you, too, dear Outlaw - peace to you both!). But doesn't that also mean that those I directed to stop following ME, so as not to be my followers, would have to disregard THAT directive to so stop following and instead actually follow me?
Well, okay: to those who follow me, stop following my telling you to stop following me, but you can't/shouldn't/mustn't follow me so you should make that decision but don't make it because I told you to because then you would be following me which you're not to do because you have One to follow so follow him but don't listen to me tell you that because then you would be following me... which you're not to do... but don't listen to me tell you that because then you would be following me... which you're not to do... but don't listen to me tell you that because then you would be following me... which you're not to do... but don't listen to me tell you that because then you would be following me... which you're not to do... but don't listen to me tell you that because then you would be following me... which you're not to do... but don't listen to me tell you that because then you would be following me... which you're not to do...
So... don't do it. And if that means you're now following me... well, then, I feel comfortable saying: follow away! Better yet:
"Come! Take 'life's water'... free!"
A slave of Christ... and a member of His Bride, so it seems that it's perfectly okay for me TO say, "Come!'"
Outlaw, how come all of my non-followers look like young, white, college kids trying to get into a U2 concert? What's up with that?? What, no rappers not following me? No country hicks? No arabs, Jews, eskimos? Surely, some of these aren't following me, too! Let's see:
Anyone who is NOT following me... would YOU now be kind enough to raise YOUR hand, please?
(Okay dear Pops, NVL, et al., peace to you and you can put your hands up NOW. No, wait, if you did, that would mean that you ARE following me, wouldn't it? So, okay, here's what we're gonna do: I will tell everyone who is following me... and everyone who is NOT following me... to raise their hand and then NO ONE raises their hand and so NO ONE can be accused of following me. OR... I can tell everyone who is following me... and everyone who is NOT following me to NOT raise their hand... and then EVERYONE raises their hand... so that NO ONE can be accused of following me. But you know what I suspect? I suspect it won't make one wit of difference to those who've made up their minds that I have followers. So, just scratch the whole thing. No, wait, if you did that... you'd be following me, again.)
So, okay, have we had enough of this, yet?
Thank you, those who participated, responded, and commented... and especially those whose religious "insecurities" prompted this thread in the first place. It appears you've been proven wrong which, unfortunately... and very sadly... needed to be done. I now ask, in a true spirit of love, that in the future, you please keep your [very] false accusations to yourself. Otherwise, you risk overstepping the commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy brother." Which you have done in your accusations against me, as someone supposedly garnering followers of myself... which I am not... AND those you falsely accuse of DOING such following. Since you ARE so insecure in your faith... you might want to take a step back and review the elementary things... like the Law... before proceeding forward to Christ... and freedom. True freedom. Which freedom grants ME not only boldness... but freedom of speech. Which YOU desire to hinder. I mean, since you want to put ME back under YOUR yoke and all. I have a yoke, dear one(s). It is the one given me by Christ, which I took... and now bear... willingly and happily.
So, in ALL love I say to you: either push... pull... or move out of the way. At any rate, stop your biting and attempts to devour me, while pretending to belong to Christ. Because you may end up annihilating us all.
I bid you all peace... and suggest that you move on.
A slave of Christ,
Uh, HEY... I think I see some "cousins" in that there photo, dear OUTLAW!! I passed on that particular family "gathering", though, so I'm not in the picture.
Peace to you, my dear non-christian friend!
SA, on her own and remembering saying, when she got the invitation, "Hmmmm... white man soup? Ummmm, no thanks, not this year, grandma. I'm a strick animal-terian, now. Not into hot and sour human anymore..."