Why did "Back Calls" change to "Return Visits"?

by donuthole 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free
    They often like to change stuff just for the sake of change, as a way to get the troops excited about something. No Armageddon? Who cares? Jehovah's celestial chariot is moving forward with constant name changes.

    This is the funniest answer, and probably the most accurate.


  • coffee_black

    jws have to keep up with the current lingo... just another measure of conformity. I remember at one point they tried to change meeting for field service to rendesvous for field service. My mom hit the roof... said it made us sound like a bunch of French spies, and sounded rediculous. She refused to use the new term.


  • badseed

    "Jehovah's celestial chariot is moving forward with constant name changes."

    That made me laugh. Jehovah, the living thesaurus.

  • ShirleyW

    I remember the term "area study" which was the weekly meeting at somebody's house, was also interchangeable with "Tuesday night study".

    This was in the 60's.

  • Sapphy

    Anyone remember the field service white slips on which you would record your not-at-homes?

    When I was a kid I thought the slips were called essates. But really they were form "S-8".

    As in "Sister, did you return last week's S-8s with the not at homes? I need to give that territory to Sister X for this morning's service, and I think there's a do not call on it"

    You know you were a witness if you understood that.

  • Soldier77

    Bulletin board change to Information board because bulletin was a Catholic term. Well, that's what I was told...

  • undercover

    Why change "the generation of 1914" to "overlapping generations"?

    Why change 1874 to 1914?

    Why change 606 to 607?

  • Woody22

    Hi clarity it was congregation servant and before that they were Company Servant which i think is more appropiate as they are company men .

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    "You know you were a witness if you understood that."

    I think that's one reason for the constant changing of the "Pure Language".

    If Brother Jones from a distant state shows up at the Kingdom Hall and starts talking about his "back calls" it's an easy alarm bell for the ever watchful shepherds.


  • Sapphy

    Congregation Book Study,became congregation bible study. Everyone still calls whatever we study 'the group book'

    Company Servant became Congregation Servant became Presiding Overseer became Co-ordinator of the Body of Elders.

    New World, New Order, New System seem to be on a 15 year rotation.

    What a priveledge we indeed do have to be speaking the Pure Language as truth our hearts is reaching.

    Obeying grammatical constructs in melodies of Kingdom songs, satanic it is.

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