Why did "Back Calls" change to "Return Visits"?

by donuthole 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Outaservice

    That the word 'bulletin' came from the word 'Papal Bull' was actually a lot of 'bull' from the Watchtower!


  • undercover
    Bulletin board change to Information board because bulletin was a Catholic term. Well, that's what I was told...

    Same here. Bulletin coming from "bull" as in Papal Bull. But I found this info in a couple of different places (but I still think the WTS is afraid of bulletin because of the misconception of it being of Catholic origins):

    Let's talk about bulletin by itself, first. English adopted it in the 17th century from Italian bullettino or bollettino, the diminutive form of bulletta "bull", which was the diminutive of yet another word, bolla (from Latin bulla) "bubble, bull". The bull here is, of course, a pronouncement issued by popes (a papal bull). In this case bolla is used metaphorically to mean not a bubble but the (round) seal affixed to the pronouncement. So here we have synecdoche (or metonymy), where an object is called by one of its parts. Bull "seal" in English dates from the 14th century.

    The first English meaning of bulletin was more in line with the Italian sense: "a short note or memorandum; an official certificate" - this was in 17th century. By the end of the 18th century English had adopted a different meaning "a short account or report of public news or events, issued by an authority." The word with this meaning is thought to have entered English separately and not from Italian but from French bulletin.

    Bulletin board dates from the early 19th century in the U.S. with the same sort of meaning it has today: "a notice board".

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Why? Same reason we have meetings about meetings...not much else new and exciting...

    Edited to add: Did I say we? I meant the dubs....

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    As I recall S-8's had to be ditched due to the Data Protection Act


  • blondie


    Our Kingdom Ministry (format change, January 2009)
    Our Kingdom Ministry (format change, September 1991)
    Our Kingdom Ministry (title change, 1982)
    Our Kingdom Service (title change, 1976)
    Kingdom Ministry (title change, September 1956)
    Informant (title change, July 1936)
    Director for Field Publishers (title change, October 1935)
    Bulletin for Jehovah’s Witnesses (title change, 1931)
    Watch Tower Bulletin (title change, 1930)
    Bulletin (title change, 1919)
    Suggestions from Colporteurs (title change, 1918)
    Suggestive Hints to New Colporteurs (title change, 1914)
    Suggestive Hints to Colporteurs (1896 to 1913)
    Suggestions for Workers—Special Bulletin (1929)
    Bulletin-This Kingdom Gospel Must Be Preached (1929)
    Bulletin-Special Colporteur Edition (1928)
    Special Colporteur Bulletin—Winter Edition (1928)
  • LongHairGal


    If you ask me I think the change in some of these things has to do with the religion's fear that maybe they sounded 'too secular' and so they wanted things to sound more in line with a religion rather than a publishing company (which it really is).

  • Ding

    Changing the terminology also makes slackers or faders stick out like a sore thumb.

    They show up at a meeting and use the old lingo and it's clear they haven't been keeping up with the organization.

    It's a motivation to keep current in order not to be outed.

  • Terry

    I once was told that the Society changes key terminology in some way at least every 5 years IN ORDER TO easily spot DF'd people who try to re-infiltrate the Kingdom Hall!

    Ha ha ha ha.

    That is about as believable as everything else I heard from the lips of a duly appointed minister of Jah.

  • yknot

    I too did a WTCD search and 'BCs' became 'RVs' after June 1972.....

    But that said I too remember little black booklets with golden embossed 'Back-Calls' in the 80s

  • clarity

    Woodie, I thought it was, thanks for the confirmation. Wow Rendevous, remember that, sounded so stupid ... and fancy and frenchy! I was embarrased to even say it ..book study was good enough for me! lol


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