I destroyed @30 jw's today in field service

by JunkYardDog 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    the JunkYardDog has over 40 years experence dealing with Jw's I don't take no $hit from jw's. I out KNOWLEDGE THEM ON WTS TEACHINGS and EXPOSED THE WTS AS LIARS WHORES AND CON ARTISTS. I'M NOT GOING TO BE NICE TO ANY WT ZOMBIES because i'm to SMART FOR THEM than they are not going to $hit on my Parade I $hit on jw's for being un KNOWLEDGEABLE ZOMBIES. and I don't want to be friends with any posters here that DON'T HAVE THEY NERVE OF THE DOG TO EXPOSE THE WTS

    This guy kinda has a BANE sound to him. BANE did you finally turn Apostate?

    Think About It

  • AnnOMaly

    I have to say, it was pre-internet days when that guy would harangue us. Sure, now I can understand his need to vent, to (I guess) warn us all in the loudest, most emphatic manner; now I get where he was coming from. And it was probably a cathartic experience for him - it helped him. But it was bad psychology otherwise because it didn't help the JWs, instead making them more 'firm and determined' to stay loyal to the org.

  • Finally-Free
    the JunkYardDog has over 40 years experence dealing with Jw's

    Sorry to say it, but if you've been doing this for 40 years, then you are still under their control. Maybe it's time to get a life.


  • caliber

    That's a hellofa lot of JW's out in service, much less catching them all together out of their vehicles

    sometimes with the territories there is confusion and a few may double up in a territory .. yeah that's!!

    plus all the time wasters in the cars heard the shouting and screams from blocks away and came running to see

    what all the fuss was about ! Yeah that's it !


    How I whooped the JW`s..

    30 of em!..


    ................................. ...OUTLAW

  • wasblind

    IF JYD is Bane, I hope he go back and scripturize with the JW's, cause he'll make apostates look bad and lose all credibility.

  • cyberjesus

    30 Jws? where was this? at a convention?

    Great dude, they just marked you as an OPPOSER APOSTATE. You will be their proudly field service experience. hey you might even make it to the next assambly

    SPEAKER: "Ok now we have Sister Faithful , please tell us how have you endured oposition all this years in Jehovahs service?"

    SISTER: "Well Brother I remember once while talking to a house holder we realized he was possesed by Satan and wanted to attack us. When we realized that Satan was directing him and the our lives were at stake we prayed to Jehovah and he protected us. he actually sent 28 brothers, wait 23 brothers and the evil spirit backed off."

  • Nickolas

    Please don't bark so loudly, JYD, you're hurting my ears.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    JunkYardDog the JW Hunter

    Think About It

  • carla

    Some of you look at from a jw point of view, from a non jw point of view one could wonder what the heck made that person so very upset about this group? Sometimes it is about keeping the unsuspecting public away from this destructive cult more than there is any hope of getting the willing victims out. Even if outsiders saw these actions as a bit off or nutty they would in all likelyhood believe that he was once one of them so what do you end up with? jw's are nutcases and they are when they leave? that is the ultimate product of the wt?

    There have been a few cases where jw's have seen the signs of so called apostates or heard what they had to say and those little seeds nagged at them until the day they were ready to hear for themselves the truth about the fictional truth of the wt.

    Things like this oten end up as conversation around the water cooler on Mondays which could lead someone to actually Google the jw's or watchtower which in turn leads them to all the so called apostate sites or what I like to call the truth sites about the wt.

    As far as kids being present at this little exhibition, it sure as hell couldn't have been any worse than having small children present when they discuss anal & oral sex, marriage, family, women, the spanking rooms, lack of childhood, actual deaths from the man made rules of the wt, etc.. etc...etc..

    Personally I think delivering well written anti or educational brochures about jw is more effective however, everyone is at a different place in their journey out and I can understand the why's of his actions.

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