I destroyed @30 jw's today in field service
by JunkYardDog 86 Replies latest jw friends
Notverylikely - time spent in prison doesn't count.
That was only in Mexico.
OutLaw, it's not unusual to find crowds of people in an large city who have the same interests. You could find a crowd of JWs going into their favorite coffee shop or fried chicken joint! Hey, that looks like WT magazine in that guys pocket!
Sure was a nice waste of their time to all hit the same street. Especially if that's the same street they hit 50 billion times before--and I hope the householders got a look at how an apostate was able to make 30 witlesses scramble and be unable to defend the religion. That ought to be a nice embarrassment, because the truth should be easy to defend by even a moderately knowledgeable person.
What an interesting group this JWN is. This place is a real community, with history and memories and personal interactions going back years. It took awhile to dawn on me and it was this ridiculous thread that did it.
I am amazed at the people who actually believed JYD's story, people who discussed it as if it may have actually happened. That's the first thing. I'm also amazed at many of the personalities in this community. I believe moshe's story. I think he's a bit of a hardass and doesn't react well to bullshit. I'm amused by NN's challenge to DY. It tells me that NN is either quite young or immature or both, but smart as hell. DY's response was classicly calm and controlled and defiant. Well done. Open mind nailed it - beautiful work - the lights went on instantaneously for many residents, but still some comments indicating that people still actually believed the story was true. Still. BB's post was absolutely credible and well done for an early contribution, don't you think? What the hell is "Danny Haszard Gate?". IbenLyed2's post was still in context, but sab liked it. CRR is calling it a bluff instead of calling it bullshit. BTS, really? Bingo jook. BTS, really? Jam, what're you on? (Outlaw is the class clown, and really good at it.) Then BTS finally gets it. NVL lightens the mood. Then more jokes. Topic change to golf. NN lightens up a whole lot as does moshe. WTW entered the conversation late.
Thanks for the very interesting thread JYD (even if you are full of shit).
". I believe moshe's story. I think he's a bit of a hardass and doesn't react well to bullshit. "
Moshe strikes me as a credible poster also, on top of that he gives me a good laugh to start the day
You did great too, wasblind. You called him on the 30 number, he backed down to 25, then we all knew it was bullshit. You must play poker.
Awww thanks Nick
But you wouldn't want to play cards with me, the only games I know are 21 black jack and I think I can remember how to play old maid (no joke) never been much of a card player
but every once in a while I like to buy a lotto ticket , won $50 one time
I don't buy lotto tickets. They're a tax on stupidity, as one Italian politician termed it. Poker isn't gambling. It's a game of understanding human nature, body language, facial expressions and tonality of voice. You seem to have a pretty well developed bullshit detector. You should try poker, if only for chips or pennies. Fascinating what you learn about people.
I know it's a hard story for many to believe. 2 jw's came to my door one about 25 yrs old the other 50+ . I asked them if they believed jesus choose the wts to be the true religion based on the 3 1/2 year inspection jesus did from 1914-1918? they didn't know how to answer but i pressed till they said the wts or the fds was choosen by jesus. they wanted to read me a verse , so I went got my bible, the rev climax book, live forever book, a copy of "Million now Living Will NEVER DIE". i Asked them if they studied the rev climax book AND if if they believed everything in this book was TRUTH. they answer YES. I asked if you follow the bible command to PROVE ALL THINGS TRUE, b/c jesus said there will be many false teachers using his name. and you tested everything in this book to PROVE IT'S ALL TRUE? They answer yes. but the 50 year old is getting jittery. My ducks are all lined up now I start flipping through the Climax book and ask them about the 1919 1922 conventions at cedar point what were they preaching thAT WAS GO GREAT ? The best they could come up with they were preaching the Kingdom. that's when I started my history lesson I told them at the 1922 convention . the wts was teaching the time of the end started in 1799, jesus returned in 1874, took kingdom power in 1878 the annointed started going to heaven in 1881. the old guy was getting pissed trying to change the subject. so I kept asking the younger one "how is it that you never heard this before? Is the WTS NOT BEING HONEST MAYBE STRAIGHT OUT LYING TO THE JW'S WORLD WIDE? I switched to "THE WORLD HAS ENDED/ MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE " CONVENTION I asked what was so ground shaking to be forfullment of the 7 trumpets of rev? the old guys is really pissed now , but I keep working the kid "So the wts never told you the whole Millions CONVENTIONS WERE NOTHING MORE THAN THE WTS PREACHING THAT GREAT BIBLE TRUTH THE WORLD WAS TO END IN 1925... the old guy is fuming now so I laugh at him and tell him the Millions speech said no ONE WOULD GO BALD AFTER 1925 HA HA HA some truth your BALDER THAN A bowling BALL lol I told them everything I just told you and more is in this book I HAVE RIGHT HERE "MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE" PRINTED BY THE WTS IN 1920. ALL JW'S HEARD IF IT, BUT I NEVER MET ONE JW THAT THAT READ IT or any 1920's wts to prove all thing TRUE. HERE'S MY COPY YOU CAN HAVE IT FOR FREE !!! so you can read for yourself how the wts LIES about thier history. they refused the book and left . but I followed them into the sidewalk and kept working the kid. I told him to reasearch the false prophecies of the wt on the internet. the old guys keeps trying to pull the kid away. I told the old guy he should be embarrassed of himself and lack of knowledge. after this about 15 minutes later I'm walking to the store and about 3 streets away their are about 8-10 sisters working one side of the street another 7 or 8 working the other side of the street I stopped and was talking with a one group after the other then 2 car loads of jw's pull up to the corner and I start asking about 1914 so your up to 20-25 jw's already. then the 2 jw's that came to my house come down the street with another 5 jw's. I think I was talking with the 25 year olds wife or sister. when the 2 that came to my house started making noise not to talk with me. To make a long story short I challanged any of these dope peddlers to come back to my house anytime they wanted to learn about the lies of the wts. the end result was the scattered like cockaroaches in the night when someone turns on the kitchen light...